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Trainer (Education/Training) ・ Jobs in Japan search results

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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「Trainer (Education/Training)」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Trainer (Education/Training)」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「Trainer (Education/Training)」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : Trainer (Education/Training)

Language preference :English

Displaying 231-20listings

Job Description

■A leading Japanese-Chinese trading company
■The work content will be determined according to your experience! You can make use of your experience and skills to date!
■Good relationships inside and outside the department! We have an environment that is easy to work in as a human resources manager
■A position that can also be used for management work in the future

As a general trading company that handles cosmetics and electronic products, we are looking to increase the number of human resources and labor staff due to business expansion! Th ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description



* チェンジマネジメント
* タレントマネジメント
* ER


* 大卒以上
* 英語力:ビジネスレベル以上、日本語:ビジネスレベル以上
* TD経験

Job Offer

* 大卒以上
* 英語力:ビジネスレベル以上、日本語:ビジネスレベル以上
* TD経験

To apply onl ...

Job Description

① On-site interpretation and translation in factories

② Lifestyle support, interpretation, translation, and related services for foreigners
● Lifestyle support, interpretation, translation, and related services for foreigners
● Accepting requests from HR and general affairs personnel of companies seeking our services
● Accepting technical intern trainees and specific skilled workers
● Interpretation and translation services at the workplace
● Guidance, consultation, and advice on life-related matters
● Various support services su ...

Job Description

◆Why we are hiring
We are seeking a candidate for a position in HR Planning, with primary responsibilities including creating and conducting training programs, and planning and holding events. We value diversity and strive to create an inclusive workplace environment. We want an HR team member who is passionate about building such an environment. You will be part of the HR Planning Team within the General Affairs Department. Currently, the team includes two members, one Japanese male and one Canadian male who is fluent in Japanese. You will handle var ...

Recruiter Globis Corporation
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

As the person in charge of operations, this position will manage the entire process from the order contract to the end of training, and will cooperate with the client's personnel and manage progress. External communication will be primarily by email, but progress may also be checked via online meetings such as Zoom.
① Training operation design and progress management [(Example) 70% Japanese training / 30% global training]
In order to smoothly implement the tailor-made training ordered by consultants, you will be in charge of a series of training oper ...

Recruiter Ernest One Co., Ltd.
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

[Job Description]
We are looking for a managerial candidate to oversee the management and follow-up department for foreign employees working for our company.
Currently, most of our foreign employees are from China, Indonesia, and Vietnam.
・Support for obtaining and renewing work qualifications in Japan
・Conducting interviews and phone interviews
・Planning and running Japanese language courses
・Support for obtaining driver's licenses
・Arranging housing and daily necessities, etc.
・Creating manuals and warnings related to work and life, ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

Warehouse management and other related tasks ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

This is the central department when seconding employees from Japan to overseas or accepting employees from overseas to Japan.

We operate a wide variety of mobility programs to smoothly implement international assignment programs and achieve the strategic goal of globalizing employees.

We work with overseas corporations to support those who have been appointed for overseas secondment and those who are seconded from overseas to Japan to ensure their success in their challenges.

■Specific duties

-Responding to inquiries from expatriates

-Mo ...

Recruiter Global Trust Networks Co.,Ltd./株式会社グローバルトラストネットワークス

Asia Japan Tokyo


JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 3500K - JPY 5000K
(Monthly Salary Range: JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 291.667K - JPY 416.667K *Divided into12 month )

Japanese Level Fluent(JLPT Level 1 or N1)
Chinese Level None
Job Description

[Specific duties]

-Introduce jobs to Filipinos seeking employment on a specific skills visa

-Attract Filipinos seeking employment on social media (SNS marketing, Facebook, TikTok, etc.)

-Plan and develop media content

-Teach Japanese and career guidance on job media for Filipinos

-Translate and interpret Filipino

[Future duties]

Our company is a rapidly growing venture company, and we aim to become a "foreigner version of recruiting" that provides services that support foreigners throughout their lives, such as housing support servic ...

Job Description

◎Operates a cloud-based household accounting service with over 10 million users!

◎Japan's most cutting-edge Fintech company! With many foreign nationals working here, you can work in a global environment!

<Job types>
Human resources/engineer recruitment

<Job content>
You will be mainly responsible for recruiting engineers (excluding toB business).

Recruitment members are responsible for each department and job type, and are responsible for the entire process from aligning requirements with the field to forming a candidate pool and closi ...

Job Description

◎Operating a cloud-based household accounting service with over 10 million users!

◎Japan's most cutting-edge Fintech company! With many foreign nationals working here, you can work in a global environment!

<Job type>
Human Resources/Recruitment Manager Candidate
<Job Description>
Our company has recruitment teams, including the Mid-Career Recruitment Department, New Graduate Recruitment Department, and Global Recruitment Department.

Among these, you will be in charge of managing the engineer recruitment team and the global recruitment tea ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

[Business content]
・Human resources recruitment
・Human resources education
・Providing human resources support
[Background of recruitment]
Due to vacancies due to retirement ...

Job Description

[Job Overview]
You will be responsible for a wide range of HR work in the head office HR department that manages all overseas group companies.

You will work at the head office and collaborate with overseas bases on a business trip basis. Your work will be determined based on your experience and aspirations.

[Specific Job Contents]
■Global HR Governance
-Planning and operating HR management for overseas group companies, collaborating with local management and HR departments
(Management of philosophy penetration and HR KPIs, compensation design ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

* Improving the workplace environment
・In order to comply with laws and regulations and provide a comfortable working environment, personnel regulations, attendance and
Plan and manage leave and short-time work systems (personal injury/illness, childcare, nursing care), etc. 
*Consultation regarding workplace environment
・After understanding the situation, provide HR consultation and coaching to managers and employees,
 Building smooth interpersonal relationships and team member relationships between employees and within the organization

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

We handle all human resources operations, focusing on skill development and human resource development.
We will aim to succeed the current manager in the next few years.
*Planning and execution of skill development and human resource development plans
*Planning and management of evaluation, compensation, and welfare systems
*Building smooth communication with employees
*Third party management


Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

[Major duties]

- Interpretation for regular audits

- Management of Indonesian trainees and foreign nationals with specific skills

- Preparation of various documents

- Communication with Indonesian sending organizations

- Other duties related to the above ...

Job Description



※将来的なキャリアパスとして人事制度などにもチャレンジできます ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Recruiter Nihon Best Support Corporation.

Asia China Jiangsu


JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 7000K - JPY 8000K
(Monthly Salary Range: JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 583.333K - JPY 666.667K *Divided into12 month )

Japanese Level Native Level
Chinese Level Business Conversation Level
Job Description


・研修のプログラム作成と実施 など

・おもてなし、マインド研修 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


 -同社内研修事業について:現状、語学研修・マネージャー研修、ハラスメント研修等実施しております(外部活用)。これら ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description


同社人事部門は、マネージャー1名とHRBP/タレントマネジメント/労務 / 給与 / 安全衛生・採用 の各メンバーで構成されます。同ポジションでは各業務に跨った、ジェネラリストとして各種人事サポート業務をお任せ致します。
(業務 ...

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