Privacy Policy

キービジュアル キービジュアル

Privacy Policy

At Human Global Talent Co., Ltd. (hereafter known as "the Company"), as the Company is engaged in the distribution of job information through the internet, all executives and employees of the Company understand and prioritize the appropriate and safe handling of personal information of all of our customers. In order to protect and manage all personal information received by our customers carefully, we declare that we have established the personal information protection policy below and will enforce and maintain it.

Personal Information Protection Policy

1. The company will comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and guidelines established by the Japanese government and other applicable regulations concerning all personal information of customers, employees and other related parties. In addition, the Company will set up a personal information protection management system that meets the “Personal Information Protection Management Systems Requirements” of the Japanese Industrial Standards (JIS Q 15001) and protect the personal information of our customers.

2. Upon collecting and using personal information, the Company will clearly state the purpose of its usage, and collected personal information may only be used within the scope necessary to achieve the aforementioned agreed purpose of collection and usage. The Company will take measures to ensure the prevention of any use of the personal information other than for the above agreed purposes.

3. The Company will not provide collected personal information to outside third parties without receiving in advance the person in question’s consent with the exception of requirements by laws or regulations or the conditions specified in the Handling of Personal Information.

4. Regarding complaints and inquiries concerning the handling of personal information, the Company will swiftly investigate all relevant facts and promptly respond in good faith within a reasonable amount of time.

5. The Company will take organizational, personnel, physical and technical security measures for the appropriate management of collected personal information and to prevent the unauthorized disclosure, loss or destruction of the personal information.

Established on July 1, 2010
Revised on April 1, 2013

Human Global Talent Co., Ltd.
President Tomoki Yokokawa

For inquiries regarding the Privacy Policy,
Please contact us via the User Support:

The Handling of Personal Information

Human Global Talent Co., Ltd.
Personal Information Protection Officer: Administration Section, Section Chief
Tel: +81 (0)3-6679-4699

Purpose of Use of Personal Information
当The Company will use personal information in connection with the purposes as described below and to the extent necessary to achieve the purpose of use.

(1) Business Details

  • Operation of job listing websites
  • Sales of job advertisements
  • Providing recruiting services
  • Paid employment placement services
  • Providing information communities for global personnel strategies
  • Event business (Career Fair for bilinguals)
  • RPO services (Recruiting process outsourcing)
  • Sales of Japanese training contents
  • Providing translation services

(2) Purpose of Use

  • To provide job information and useful contents for the user regarding job searches through and its related sites
  • To contact the user and to provide job information, consultations regarding employment and for registrations in our paid employment placement services
  • Provide information regarding, its related sites and our services, and for contacting the user with regards to inquiries
  • To support business partners in our various services
  • To support business partners for recruitment in our RPO services
  • To provide the services requested of the Company (sending of e-mail newsletters, participation in seminars, welfare programs, shipping of gifts, etc.)
  • To provide information, to conduct marketing activities and questionnaire surveys regarding our business objectives
  • To facilitate recruitment selection for the Company
  • To manage employee / personnel and employment and labor management
  • To introduce a third party in order to fulfil the aforementioned purposes after obtaining permission from the user in question

(3) Provision of Personal Information to third parties

The Company will not use or provide personal information to third parties without the consent of the person in question, except when required by law or when there is a possibility of threat to the life, health or property of the person or the public.
However, the following cases are excepted:

【1】When the Company has obtained the person in question's consent with clear prior notification

【2】When personal information is necessary to protect life, health or property and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question

【3】When there is a need to comply with a law

【4】When personal information is necessary for the improvement of public health or the promotion of the healthy development of children and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person in question

【5】When the handling of personal information is entrusted either in whole or in part to third parties to the extent necessary to achieve a specified purpose of use

【6】When personal information is provided due to merger or business succession among other similar reasons and the information is handled within the scope of the purpose of use before succession

(4) Entrustment of Personal Information

The Company may entrust personal information to third parties who meet the level of personal information protection set by the Company for the purpose of labor management, shipping of postal items, sending e-mails, system maintenance or modification and so on.

(5) Procedures for Personal Information Disclosure, Correction, etc.

The Company will accept requests from the person in question or from a nominated proxy for the disclosure, correction, addition, removal, notification of purpose of use, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to third parties (hereafter referred to collectively as “Requests for disclosure, etc.” ) regarding retained personal data excluding the personal information obtained from third parties in our RPO services.

“Method of identifying the person in question or proxy requesting disclosure, correction, etc.”
The Company will confirm the identification of the person in question or proxy by the method prescribed as follows.

【a】When requested by the person in question
The Company will request documents proving the identification of the person in question. (※1) (※2)

【b】When requested by a legal proxy
The Company will request documents for:
・identification as the legally assigned proxy of the person in question. (※2)
・identification of the person in question. (※1) (※2)

【c】When requested by a voluntary proxy
The Company will request for:
・an original copy of the person in question's Seal Registration Certificate-. (※3)
・a letter of nomination of the proxy
・identification documents for the person in question. (※1)(※2)

※1 A copy of driver's license (if the legal domicile is registered, it should be blotted out in black), passport or health insurance card, an original copy or transcript of resident card or family register.

※2 All documents must be within the expiration period.

※3 Please use the same seal as the seal certificate for request letter, assignment letter and so on.

“Forms and methods for Requests for disclosure, etc.”

Upon request from the person or agent, the Company will respond to Requests for disclosure, etc. based on the following procedures.

・Documents to be submitted

【a】Request letters
For the Notification of purpose of use, disclosure of personal information → “Request form of notification of purpose of use / disclosure of personal information”
For the Correction, addition or removal of personal information→ “Request form of correction or personal information, etc.”
For the Suspension of use, deletion, suspension of provision to a third party for personal information→ “Request form of suspension of use of personal information”

【b】Envelope for reply
A standard sized reply envelope should be enclosed.
In addition, please write the address and name of the person on the reply envelope with the following stamp amounts:
Please note: We will not be able to reply if the stamp is not attached or the amount is insufficient.

・When replying by simple registered mail
→ basic fee 84 yen & simple registered mail fee 320 yen: 404 yen

・When replying by general registered mail & delivery certificate mail
→ basic fee 84 yen & general registered mail fee 435 yen & delivery certificate mail fee 320 yen: 839 yen

“Requests for disclosure, etc.”
Please contact the “User Support” as follows.

“Fees for Requests for disclosure, etc.”
There is no fee required for Requests for disclosure, etc.

“Notification of the result of Requests for disclosure, etc.”

We will notify you by mail to the name and address filled in the form set by the Company.
Please note: It may take a few days for you to receive the notification.

*We will refuse Requests for disclosure, etc. in the following cases:

【a】In case the submitted form set by the Company does not include “address”, “name”, “date of birth”, “phone number” and/or other necessary information

【b】In case “address”, “name”, “date of birth” or “phone number” filled in the request form does not match with those in the personal information requested for disclosure, etc.

【c】In case of requesting for disclosure of personnel evaluation information, etc., or in case there is a defect in the description of the format for the form set by the Company, or we cannot identify the person requesting, we will contact you and guide you through the process to resubmit the request.
However, if there is no resubmission within two weeks after contacting you, we will treat it as if no request was received and dispose of the documents received in an appropriate manner.

(6) Regarding the voluntariness of the disclosure of personal information and the possible situations that may arise as a result the withholding/non-disclosure of the aforementioned personal information

Submission of personal information is for all intents and purposes voluntary. Please also note that we may not be able to provide our services and information, or contact you if you do not submit the correct information.

(7) Acquisition of personal information by a method that the person in question cannot easily comprehend

Our website uses Cookies. Cookies are used only as system information necessary for you to visit the page easily and to confirm that you are the same individual and do not contain any personally identifiable information. If you do not wish to use this function, please disable cookies in your browser security settings.

(8) Link with Google Calendar

Our Interview Scheduling Tool on will require access to both your Google Calendar and any other calendar linked via Google in order to utilize our meeting tool, and enables you to register your account for related events. It also enables you to create or modify your calendars and update individual events on the calendar.

(9) Company Information

The Company Name: Human Global Talent Co., Ltd.
Address: 7-5-25 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku Tokyo
President: Tomoki Yokokawa

(10) Measures taken for Safety Management Measures

We strictly comply with relevant laws and guidelines, to prevent the leaking, loss or damage of personal data we handle, and take other necessary and appropriate measures for the safety management of personal data (hereinafter referred to as "Safety Management Measures"), which are outlined as follows:

[1] Formulation of basic policy
In order to ensure the proper handling of personal data, we have formulated and announced a personal information protection policy as basic policy.

[2] Development of discipline regarding the handling of personal data
We have established internal rules that stipulates the handling of personal data, person in charge, and their roles.

[3] Organizational safety management measures

After appointing a "personal information protection manager" as the responsible person to handle personal information in our organizational system, we have established a personal information protection management system and are implementing it to regulate the Company’s internal personal information protection.
In addition, we have our employees strictly comply with internal rules regarding safety management measures, and we have a guideline system for employees to report to the responsible person including the "personal information protection manager" if they notice signs of anyone violating the law or internal rules.
Furthermore, when outsourcing the handling of personal information, we implement strict supervision measures for the entity that the Company is outsourcing to, so that the safety management measures regarding personal information are maintained.

[4] Human safety management measures
We regularly educate our employees on the proper handling of personal information. We also require our employees to submit a non-disclosure agreement.

[5] Physical and technical safety management measures
In areas where personal data is handled, we manage the entry and exit of employees and third parties, and implement anti-theft measures such as locking and storing documents, media, equipment, etc. containing personal information.
We also control access to personal data and information systems that handle personal data, take measures against computer viruses, malicious software, and monitor information systems.

[6] Understanding the external environment
We store some of the personal data we handle on a server located in the United States of America managed by our outsourced email distributor. We take safety management measures after understanding the personal information protection system in the United States. For the outline of the personal information protection system in the United States, please refer to the result of "Research on the system related to the protection of personal information in foreign countries" published by the Personal Information Protection Commission.
( legal/kaiseihogohou/#gaikoku)

(11) Inquiries and complaints regarding the handling of personal information

For inquiries regarding our handling of personal information and complaints, please contact the following:

Human Global Talent Co., Ltd.
User Support:

Moreover, the Company is a member of the following authorized information protection organization. Complaints and inquiries regarding the handling of personal information are addressed in the following organization:

“Name of authorized personal information protection organization and contact information for complaint resolution”
(Inquiries or complaints regarding our products and services will not be accepted.)

Personal Information Protection Complaints Department
Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
Tel: +81-(0)3-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

※“Retained personal data” is personal information that contains a systematically constructed collection for information and the Company has the authority to respond to all requests for disclosure, correction, addition, removal, suspension of use, deletion or suspension of provision to a third party by the person.

Privacy Policy for residents of the EEA

This Privacy Policy ("Policy") sets out how Human Global Talent Co., Ltd. ("we", "us" and "our") will process as a data controller the personal data of the users of our websites and services ("you" and "your") who reside within the European Economic Area (the "EEA") and the measures and processes we have put in place to ensure its adequate protection.

This Policy does not form any contractual relationship between you and us, and we may amend it from time to time.


We will only process your personal data:

(a) where you have given your consent (you may withdraw your consent at any time, by making a request using the contact details set out below);

(b) where the processing is necessary to provide our services to you;

(c) where the processing is necessary to respond to a request from you;

(d) where the processing is necessary to maintain our relationship with you;

(e) where the processing is necessary for compliance with our legal and regulatory obligations


2.1 We process the following types of personal data about you:

(a) Your name, email address and other contact details and country of residence;

(b) Professional details, such as CV, details of your qualifications, relevant experience and skills, professional and educational backgrounds;

(c) Your current role, position and/or job title;

(d) Details of your preferences for types of marketing events or materials;

(e) Details of your access to our systems and websites; and

(f) Your messages, feedback or contributions to surveys and questionnaires.

2.2 It may be mandatory for you to provide us with your personal data, to enable us to manage our business and operations, to maintain our relationship with you, to provide our services to you or to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. If you fail to provide your personal data, we might be unable to maintain our relationship with you or to provide our services to you.

2.3 We make every effort to maintain the accuracy and completeness of your personal data which we store and to ensure all of your personal data is up to date. However, you can assist us with this considerably by promptly contacting us if there are any changes to your personal data or if you become aware that we have inaccurate personal data relating to you. We will not be responsible for any losses arising from any inaccurate, inauthentic, deficient or incomplete personal data that you provide to us.


We usually collect your personal data from the information you submit during the course of your relationship with us. This will typically be through the forms and documents used when you create your account with us or sign up to marketing or market data news lists.

We may also collect your personal data from other sources such as magazine publishers, PR firms, fraud prevention agencies, credit reference agencies, the records of governmental agencies and social media.


We will process your personal data for the following purposes:

(a) to provide you with requested services;

(b) to respond to your messages or posts to us;

(c) to provide you with promotional and marketing materials about our services that we think you may be interested;

(d) to manage, develop and improve our services, information technology systems and websites;

(e) for research and marketing purposes;

(f) for monitoring and assessing compliance with law and our policies and standards;

(g) to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations and requests anywhere in the world, including reporting to and/or being audited by national and international regulatory bodies;

(h) to carry out money laundering, financial and credit checks and for fraud and crime prevention and detection purposes;

(i) for administrative purposes in relation to the security of and access to our systems, premises, platforms and websites and applications;

(j) to comply with court orders and exercise and/or defend our legal rights;

(k) for any other legitimate business purpose; and

(l) as otherwise permitted or required by any applicable law or regulation.


We will process your personal data in Japan which is outside the EEA. Although the EU Commission has not confirmed that Japanese law offers the same level of protection of personal data as are enjoyed within the EEA, we will process your personal data with the same level of protection as in the EEA and recognise your rights on your personal data you would hold under the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 ("GDPR").

In addition, we will transfer your personal data to the potential Japanese employers you selected on "My Page" so that those potential employers can have access to your personal data (such as CV) and these potential employers will be required to process your personal data in accordance with Japanese data protection law. However, the European Commission has not confirmed that Japanese law offers the same level of protection of personal data as are enjoyed within the EEA and no safeguards that are provided for in the GDPR will not be in place to protect your personal data. Therefore, these potential Japanese employers may not process your personal data by the same standard as in the EEA and you may not be able to exercise the same rights on your personal data as in the EEA.


We do not and will not sell, rent out or trade your personal data. We will only disclose your personal data to the following recipients:

(a) to the potential employers you selected on "My Page" so that those potential employers can have access to your personal data (such as CV);

(b) to third parties who process your personal data on our behalf (such as our systems providers including cloud providers);

(c) to companies providing services for money laundering checks, credit risk reduction and other fraud and crime prevention purposes and companies providing similar services, including financial institutions, credit reference agencies and regulatory bodies with whom such information is shared;

(d) to any third party to whom we assign or novate any of our rights or obligations;

(e) to any prospective buyer in the event we sell any part of our business or assets; and

(f) to any government, regulatory agency, enforcement or exchange body or court where we are required to do so by applicable law or regulation or at their request.

We may sell or provide aggregated and anonymised information and analytics about the users of our websites and services to third parties. Before we do so, we will make sure that such information does not identify you.


We are committed to safeguarding and protecting your personal data and will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organisational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to protect your personal data from accidental or unauthorised destruction, loss, alteration, disclosure or access.


8.1 If you wish to:

(a) update, modify, or delete your personal data, or obtain a copy of your personal data that we hold; or

(b) restrict or stop us from using any of your personal data which we hold, you can request this by contacting us using the contact details set out below.

8.2 In any of the situations listed above, we may request that you prove your identity by providing us with a copy of a valid means of identification in order for us to comply with our security obligations and to prevent unauthorised disclosure of data.


We will only retain your personal data as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected or to comply with legal, regulatory or internal policy requirements.


If you tell us that you do not wish we or any of our group companies to provide you with information about our services and other marketing materials, we will not contact you further for the purpose of direct marketing. You can contact us using the contact details set out below.


A "cookie" is a small text file that is stored on a user's hard drive or mobile device. Cookies are generated by web servers when the user enters an internet page, and are passed to the user's computer or mobile device and stored for subsequent future access. They perform a number of functions associated with browsing websites and are used for a variety of different purposes, such as tracing users from page to page on an internet site. This can enhance a user's experience on a website, enabling the site to be personalised according to e.g. a user's preferences and browsing activities.

For more information about how we use cookies, please read our cookie policy.

Acquirement of not easily identifiable information We use cookies generated by our website to check for system requirements and identity authentication and the information gathered will not be used for personal identification. Should you wish to switch this function off, please disable cookies in your browser.


We may change or update parts of this Policy in order to maintain our compliance with applicable law and regulation or following an update to our internal practices. We will do this by updating this Policy. You will not necessarily be directly notified of such a change. Therefore, please ensure that you regularly check this Policy so you are fully aware of any changes or updates.


If you have any queries about the contents of this Policy or your personal data, or wish to make a request in relation to your personal data, please contact us using the details set out below:

TEL: +81(0)3-6673-5902
FAX: +81(0)3-6680-6464


You are entitled to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection regulator if you consider that we have breached your data protection rights.

Date Updated: [4th June 2018]