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Gestures and Body Language in Presentations2014.08.05

    ま ず、ビデオカメラの前でプレゼンの練習をしてみましょう。鏡を前にして行っても良いのですが、繰り返し見て細かいところまでチェックできるよう、携帯やス マートフォンなどを使って録画することをお勧めします。あなたの視線、表情、手や腕の動き、速さ、そして動作を観察してみましょう。何だかもどかしい、カ ンに障る、というように感じたとしたら、プレゼンを見ている人も同じような印象を受ける可能性が高いと考えてください。そのような印象を与える癖を見つけ 出し、直すようにしましょう。


    A good presentation is a combination of great content and effective physical delivery. Veteran public speakers know how to use gestures and stage movement to their advantage and today I’m going to share a few secrets with you.
    First, you should practice your presentation in front of your smartphone camera. The mirror is OK, but a video can be re-watched and studied in detail. Watch your eyes, facial expressions, arm/hand movements, speed, and stage movements. Watch for annoying habits and try to break those habits. If they annoyed you on video, they will also annoy your audience.

    Eye Contact & Facial Expressions

    特 に重要なのは笑顔です。緊張するとむしろ冷静に振る舞おうとして強張ってしまうことがあります。そうなると、プレゼンをしている人自身が退屈している、実 はあまり関心がない、或いは偉そうだと思われかねません。自然な笑顔は「自信に満ち、自身のプレゼン内容を楽しんでいて、熱意がある」話者を演出してくれ ます。

    Look at your audience, not your Power Point notes or projection. Look at all audience members, not just the people in front. Don’t move your eyes while speaking. Move them after you have finished a complete phrase.
    The most important thing is to smile. When people are nervous, they sometimes act cool and don’t smile. This is a huge mistake because the speaker looks bored, disinterested, and condescending. A smiling presenter appears confident, interested, and passionate.

    Arms & Hands


    Use your arms and hands to point at things. In some cultures, like America, pointing with your fingers is OK. In other cultures, for example the UK and Japan, it can be rude. If you’re unsure, a flat, open hand is always safe.
    But be careful. Using your arms too much may seem nervous or childish.
    Useful tip: Moving your hands, palms down, to emphasize a word or phrases appears authoritative.


    使 えるヒントをもう一つ。聴衆から遠ざかるような動きは良い印象を与えず、気後れしているように見られてしまいます。目安としては、なるべくステージの奥行 きの中間地点にいるのが良いでしょう。逆に聴衆の方に近づいていくのはOKで、親しみを感じさせることができます。聴衆を説得したい場合は、最も強いつな がりを感じさせるポジションである、ステージの前方かつ中央へ歩み寄るようにしましょう。

    Confident and dynamic presenters often use the entire stage to make their speech more exciting. Communications experts say that using a little space and speaking quickly makes the speaker seem untrustworthy. Using a lot of space, speaking slowly, and using slow, calculated movements exudes confidence and instills confidence and trust in your audience.

    Use the stage deliberately, not at random. For example, open your presentation on the left side, make your first point on the right side, second point on the left side, third point on right side, and conclude your presentation on the left side.

    Useful tip: Stepping away from the audience will give a negative feeling and might be seen as unconfident, so spend most of your time equidistant from the front and back of the stage. Moving closer to the audience is positive and gives a warm feeling. When you want to persuade the audience, come closer to them in the front and center of the stage. This area is where you can make the strongest connection.


    話している最中ずっと歩く、というのはNGです。聴衆から見るとうっとうしくて気が散りますし、緊張しているような印象を与えます。話している間は メインとなるポジションに真っ直ぐ立ち、腰から下は動かさないようにしましょう。腰より上だけを動かしていれば、自信があり毅然としているように見えま す。フラフラ揺れてしまうと、子どもっぽく、頼りなさそうに映ります。また、両足で真っ直ぐに立つよう心がけましょう。演台がある場合、ダラダラしている とか不熱心だとか思われないよう、決して寄りかからないようにしましょう。

    Don’t walk around the stage through your entire speech, it’s annoying, distracting, and makes the speaker look nervous. Stand still for your main points. Do not move below the waist. If you only move above the waist, you will appear confident and authoritative. Don’t sway, as it looks childish and unconfident. Also, always stand with both feet straight. If there is a podium, never lean on it because it looks lazy and disinterested.

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    Article Writer

    Noel Bradshaw

    Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.

    If you want to make real progress with your language skills, then Rosetta Stone Learning Center is for you. Rosetta Stone Learning Center integrates the World's number 1 language learning software Rosetta Stone(R) together with high quality one-to-one in-school lessons to accelerate students towards their language goals. RSLC has 8 school locations in Tokyo and Osaka, easy lesson-scheduling, online 24/7 access to self-study resources and a variety of study options that makes it an ideal, flexible option for busy people. Let Rosetta Stone Learning Center support you through your next career move.

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