Work in Japan Advice Board

キービジュアル キービジュアル

At job interviews, the first impression really matters.
Some might say that the first impression can decide whether you will pass the interview.
Be sure to come prepared by considering your clothing, minding your manners and practicing your answers to possible interview questions.

1. Etiquette for interview

At a job interview, the first impression is very important. In industries focused on hospitality, such as hotels or airlines, the first impression is said to determine the outcome. As with any interactions with other people,..

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2. Flow of interview

After the reception is completed, the interview will begin at last. The interview is not one sided, but it is a place where people can confirm their compatibility...

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3. Examples of Interview questions and responses

The following are common questions that are often asked during interviews with mid-career positions. It is very important to understand..

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