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Advertising/Media Sales ・ Jobs in Japan search results

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Search Results

Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「Advertising/Media Sales」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Advertising/Media Sales」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「Advertising/Media Sales」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : Advertising/Media Sales

Language preference :English

Displaying 461-20listings

Job Description

✭ Home office set up allowance
✭ Wellness/Hobby/training allowance
✭ 20 days of annual leave (holiday/vacation days) and sick leave
✭ Plus many more family benefits!

We're looking for a self-driven Client Account Manager to help our most strategic partners, successfully grow their business through Pinterest. You'll work directly with advertisers as a trusted consultant to their business. Your strategic advice & coaching is core to the value we bring as a platform.

What you’ll do:
・Deliver sales targets through key account manageme ...

Job Description


代理商接洽業務 (中國代理店‧其他海外國家代理店)

‧代理商洽詢合作機會時的對應 (電話‧電子郵件)

‧與代理商簽署合作契約前的接洽業務 (公司介紹、治療項目與內容的說明、診所環境介紹等)




工作性質需常與 ...

Job Description

■You will be in charge of project management and marketing for overseas business expansion at our company, the corporate division of the HELENE BioMed Group, a global leader in stem cell therapy.

[Past projects]■We have acquired clinics in the UK, developed cosmetics to meet needs, and expanded our clinics overseas. A leader will be selected for each project and assigned to manage medium- to long-term projects.

[Medium-term plan]■We plan to develop new business models and develop new markets based on research by the marketing department! You ...

Job Description

弊社のサービスのSpider AFをクライアントへ導入いただき、その導入支援や導入に伴い社内の他部署を巻き込みクライアントとのコミニュケーションを担当していただきます。

主に自身での営業活動により商談を作成し、クライアント様へSpider AFのご提案をしていただきます。
基本はまず無料トライアル(無料診断)への誘導を行い、そのトライアルのデータを基にSpider AFの導入メリットを提案します。
この間のク ...

Job Description

We provide a wide range of services, from PR and PR agency support to consulting.

・PR consulting-related work → PR work for client companies
・Drawing up various flows such as timelines and guidelines
・Proposing and supporting PR activities such as events
・Surveying media and competitive trends
・Responding to press releases and newsletters
・Collaborating with various media such as magazines, newspapers, and the Internet
・Analyzing SNS usage including influencers
・Responding to crises

[Recruitment background]
In order to pro ...

Job Description


※本ポジションでは、新規開拓営業 ...

Job Description

We provide a wide range of services, from PR and PR agency support to consulting.

・PR consulting-related work → PR work for client companies
・Drawing up various flows such as timelines and guidelines
・Proposing and supporting PR activities such as events
・Surveying media and competitive trends
・Responding to press releases and newsletters
・Collaborating with various media such as magazines, newspapers, and the Internet
・Analyzing SNS usage including influencers
・Responding to crises

[Recruitment background]
In order to pro ...

Job Description


① 新規開拓営業
弊社自社開発の翻訳支援ツールMHTを駆使し、さら ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

Responsible for sales of information provision services for countries in charge at a company that distributes news.

Our business partner will be a Japanese company, and business negotiations will be conducted in Japanese.
No advanced English skills required!

You can also learn more about what is happening overseas (especially in Asia) and the growth process of each country!

This time I'll be in charge of three countries, so it's a global position where I can gain even more knowledge! ...

Job Description

(Immediately after hiring)
- Proposals and meetings with clients
- Developing marketing strategies
- Meetings to report on internal collaborations, develop company ideas, etc.
(Scope of changes) None ...

Job Description

This job involves delivering popular anime works to the world.

■Animes in charge
Animes produced in-house

■Job content
-Sales sales of broadcasting and distribution rights for our anime content (new/existing ratio is about 50:50)
-Dealing with clients through meetings and emails
-Administrative tasks such as signing contracts and settling accounts
-Delivering distribution data and managing the progress of each project

*There are no quotas, so it's an environment where you can try various things!

■Sales methods
-Participati ...

Job Description

★No sales experience necessary! Proposal-based sales using Daijob.com, a job-seeking site for bilingual talent★

You will propose and support recruitment plans using Daijob.com to meet the recruitment needs of Japanese global companies and foreign companies.

◆Work flow
1. Approach to make meeting appointment with new clients
1. Using Salesforce, the core sales system, approach and secure appointments using emails, LinkedIn, and phone calls

2. Creating a simple proposal
Create proposal materials using document templates based on telephon ...

Job Description

▼[Only for those who can conduct sales activities in Osaka: Full remote] We are looking for a major advertising agency partner (AM) to propose cross-border promotion plans!

We are looking for a cross-border marketing salesperson who will promote Japanese brands and services to overseas users by utilizing foreign language SNS and foreign influencers.

The position we are looking for is a fully remote account manager facing a major advertising agency (Kansai branch).

As an account manager facing a major advertising agency (Kansai ...

Job Description

▼The charm of Japan → Spreading information overseas! The work of the Cross-Border Marketing Headquarters

We handle a wide range of overseas promotional projects for English-speaking countries (North America, Europe, Oceania), Greater China, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. While staying in Japan, we grasp the trends in the relevant region and propose optimal measures to our clients. Many requests are made through AnyMind Group's overseas offices, and it is a rewarding job to solve domestic and international issues with resources including overseas. ...

Job Description

▼The charm of Japan → Spreading information overseas! The work of the Cross-Border Marketing Headquarters

We handle a wide range of overseas promotional projects for English-speaking countries (North America, Europe, Oceania), Greater China, East Asia, and Southeast Asia. While staying in Japan, we grasp the trends in the relevant region and propose optimal measures to our clients. Many requests are made through AnyMind Group's overseas offices, and it is a rewarding job to solve domestic and international issues with resources including overseas. ...

Job Description

We operate “Daijob.com”, a foreign-affiliated and global company career change information site for Japan's largest bilingual and global human resources.
Based on this site, we are developing a business that provides optimal positions to human resources who want to play an active role both in Japan and overseas through services such as "Job advertisement", "Recruitment agency", "Recruiting outsourcing service" and "Career Fair".

"Human Resources" are invariable asset in any period.
While declining birthrate and aging population in Japan continue ...

Job Description

クリエイティブとテクノロジーの力で、誰もが笑顔になる 近未来を感じる体験を創造してきたクリエイティブカンパニー。




誰もが没頭するような人気デジタル ...

Recruiter ABC Frontier Co., Ltd.
  • ★ ★ ★ Senior Level
Job Description

■About the advertising business
When you enter a business hotel, insert your card key and the TV will automatically turn on and a commercial with sound will be played. Currently, it is installed in more than 46,000 rooms nationwide, including APA Hotels and Keikyu EX Inns.

Website: https://www.omochan.jp/

Each roll is 20 minutes long, but there are advertising slots in movie programs, economic programs, and our own original programs featuring Maomi Yuki, and commercials are delivered to business hotel guests. (The image is similar to taxi signag ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

(Immediately after hiring)

- General web advertising operations such as listing ads and SNS ads

- Visiting clients (accompanying sales), proposing improvements, creating materials, etc.

- Reporting to clients

- Management of the operations team, training members

- Improving operations to improve the quality of operations services

- Planning creative (LP, banners, etc.) etc.

(Scope of changes) None ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description



* 既存顧客との関係維持、コミュニケーションを担う
* 新規顧客の開拓
* サービス・商材に関して具体的な情報を提供し、広告運用のプロセスをサポートす ...