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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in 「Japan」 in 「Executive」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in 「Japan」 and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Executive」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in 「Japan」 in 「Executive」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in 「Japan」!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : Executive

Desired work location : Asia-Japan

Language preference :English

Displaying 11621-40listings

Recruiter Classico Inc.
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Executive Level
Job Description

[Recruitment background]
Overseas expansion is essential for our future growth, and as we move forward with full-scale expansion into Asia, including China and Taiwan, we are looking for additional leaders who can lead the way so that we can begin business development in other areas (such as the United States and Europe).

[Job summary]
You will be responsible for all aspects of business development, including the overseas expansion of our original products, the development of products for overseas markets, the development of sales channels and partn ...

Job Description


【具体的には】■工場の立ち上げサポート:生産、品質管理、物流、管理など、操業開始初期段階から本稼働に向けた一連の準備と体制整備■工場管理・運営:生産プロセス、品質、サプライチェーン、人事、経 ...

Recruiter (株)トリビュー
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


・内部統制に関する業務オペレーシ ...

Recruiter C&U精工(株)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


■本社への報告:全グループ会社で ...

Recruiter (株)ダイレクトクラウド
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


■IPO推進 ■資本政策、事業計画、エクイティストーリーの作成 ■株主、投資家、証券会社、監査 ...

Recruiter (特非)国連UNHCR協会
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


実施に向けた経理・総務・法務観点からのアドバイス、各部門の予実管理の掌握とサポート、コンプライアンス遵守の統括、経理・財務業務の統括、法務関連業務の統括、情報セキュリティの強化、内 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ Senior Level
Job Description

The company is a marketing technology company established in April 2010 with the desire to "create a world-class technology company originating from Japan. Currently, the company owns important products in the digital marketing domain, such as SSP, DSP, DMP, DOOH, CRM, SFA, MA, and Chatbot, all of which have been developed in-house. Among them, the main product, SSP (Supply-Side Platform), has expanded to the No.1 scale in Japan within 6 years of its establishment.

Furthermore, in its overseas business, the company has established bases in fast-growin ...

Recruiter エッジテクノロジー(株)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


【魅力】上場事業会社で責任あるポジションで部署を統括でき、取締役へのキャリアアップが期待できる。役員陣とともに業務を行うことで、会社経営の理解、自己の成 ...

Job Description

This position involves leading and managing the creation and operation of new businesses and a wide range of operations both domestically and internationally.

Create operations for a wide range of businesses, including domestic sales and overseas sales

Create operations for new businesses to launch new businesses

This company is recommended for the following people:

Those who want to be involved in overseas businesses
Those who want to experience their own/company's growth
Those who want to immerse themselves in social issues, including new ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Executive Level
Job Description

[Business Description]

You will be entrusted with the tasks necessary to scale the business, such as business development, business planning, organizational management, and marketing strategies, as well as PL responsibility, and will promote non-linear growth.

◆Job Overview

- Planning and execution of business strategies

- Identifying business issues, planning and execution of strategies and tactics

- Promoting data visualization and utilization

- Supporting PDCA for business operations through quantitative data analysis

- Building ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

[Business content]

[Things you will be responsible for immediately after joining the company]

★Management duties, etc.

-Overall management, recruitment, and management of the foreign talent introduction business

-Establishment and management of the Indonesian base

-Establishment of a real estate business for foreigners

-Overall optimization of life support operations

-External partnership negotiations (including overseas local institutions and educational institutions in Japan (including overseas business trips))

-Establishment ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

[Assigned organization name]
Digital Systems & Services Headquarters, Corporate Strategy Headquarters, Business Development Headquarters

[Assigned organization (overview/mission)]
Business development in the global and digital growth fields through business expansion investments (M&A and investments) for the growth of the IT sector
Planning and execution of business structure reform through asset optimization within the sector

[Businesses/services/products/etc. involved]
Business/business: Businesses related to the IT sector (especially global ...

Job Description

As we continue to expand globally, we expect the number of overseas subsidiaries to continue to increase.
We are recruiting to strengthen the parent company's administrative support for overseas subsidiaries and the governance of group companies, including overseas subsidiaries.

[Job Description]
This job is for someone who can actively work with our administrative department to promote the work of the Corporate Planning Department, such as administrative support for group companies, including overseas subsidiaries, and building a governance system, ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

As the Regional Head of Cargo, you will lead a dedicated team across Japan and Korea and be responsible for the development and execution of all cargo commercial and service delivery strategies for our award-winning, customer-first company. You will be involved in a wide range of areas including sales, operational functions, supplier management and service standard improvement.

<Job Details>
■Service Delivery and Excellence
• Ensure reliable, consistent and cost-effective delivery of services and products (cargo, mail and air Hong Kong) to meet ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


入社後、3年後程度を目安に現地社長としてご活躍を頂けるようになるよう、様々な仕事に従事いただきたいと考えております。入社後すぐにフィリピンへ赴任いた ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Executive Level
Job Description

同社は、「機会創出とインパクト可視化によって、可能性を広げ、未来をつくる」をミッションとし、&#12103;本と新興国において、就業機会創出による貧困削減や働きがい向上などを意図したインパクトファイナンス事業を展開しています。事業を通じて顧客に起きた定量・定性&#12207;のインパクト(社会的・環境的な変化)データを収集、可視化し、ステークホルダーの属性に応じてレポートすることで、新しい意 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

As the head of the group's HR and general affairs department, you will be in charge of HR and general affairs for the entire group, with a focus on our company, a major domestic cryptocurrency exchange.

Utilizing your expertise in the HR field, you will be responsible for building the organizational structure of the entire group while also carrying out your duties as a player.

[Major duties]

- HR policy and HR strategy planning (agreement with management)

- Design and improvement of existing business processes in the HR/general affairs depart ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Executive Level
Job Description

You will be in charge of marketing for a job-matching platform specializing in the construction industry.

We are now looking for someone who can be entrusted with the role of marketing manager in the future.

◆Specific duties
・Formulate and execute vision, strategy, and goals for global expansion outside of Southeast Asia
・Formulate management plans (management strategy, business strategy, financial strategy, investment strategy, organizational strategy)
・Collect management accounting and budget/actual management for the business
・Plan ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ Senior Level
Job Description

As an IR manager and the face of the company, you will plan and execute a communication strategy to improve the company's value to investors around the world.

<Specific duties>

- Support the planning and execution of IR strategies
- Communication with institutional investors, analysts, domestic and foreign investors, etc.
- Preparation of financial results briefing materials and briefing management
- IR site management
- Preparation of other necessary financial results and disclosure materials, disclosure response


In addition to the ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

[Job Description]
■General support for the revitalization and restructuring of clients' overseas businesses
・Understanding the actual situation of overseas subsidiaries and extracting management issues
・Support for considering growth strategies for overseas businesses
・Support for considering options regarding the direction of overseas businesses
・Support for restructuring overseas businesses and acquisition of overseas businesses
・Support for stakeholder management
■Debt Capital Advisory work
・Creditor adjustments related to resc ...

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