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Job Search

Updated 2024-06-10
Activated 2024-06-04

Web open system engineer (Experienced, graduated, and new graduates welcome)
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  • Recruiter
  • Staff Level
  • More Than 5 Positions Open
  • More Than 120 Days off per Year
  • New Year's Holidays
  • Five Days Workweek
  • Online Interview
  • Recent Graduates Welcome
  • New Graduates Welcome
  • Global Company
  • Experience Welcome
  • Visa Support Available
This posting is managed by: 株式会社foredge
Company Name Company is not publicly visible
Job Type IT (PC, Web, Unix) - Web Application SE
IT (PC, Web, Unix) - Programmer
IT (PC, Web, Unix) - ERP, SCM, CRM Architect
Industry Software Vendor
Location Asia Japan Tokyo
Asia Japan Saitama
Asia Japan Kanagawa
Job Description You will be in charge of various development projects. Based on your skills and experience, we will assign you to the projects below:

Basic design/planning
Detailed design/planning
Coding development
Unit test, coupling test
Operation, maintenance, and additional development
Also, we have wide range of projects offered by our clients including finance, distribution in EC, public sector, application development, data analysis, and etc.
Company Info After joining the company, we will decide the most suitable project through the online interview and taking the skills and experience into consideration.
We will hold a short online meeting in advance to consider and provide you with a project in which you can utilize your skills.
For those with little experience, we will assign you to projects where you can quickly demonstrate your skills, such as testing, maintenance, and operation, while those with more experience will be assigned to more advanced projects.

[Project examples]
■ Large-scale EC site renovation project (Java, PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, etc.)
■ Supplier credit management system development (VB.net, Oracle)
■ AI technology development and data analysis (Python, Hadoop, Mongo DB, Angular, etc.)
■ RPA implementation support (VBA, UiPath, Winactor, AutomationAnyware, etc.)
■ Mobile TV development (iOS, Android) and more
Working Hours 9:00-18:00 (standard working hours, 8 hours) *May vary depending on the project
[Required qualifications]
- Those with at least 6 months of practical experience in system development, regardless the programming language.
- For foreign nationals, N3-N2 or above (fluent)

[Preferred qualifications]
- Those with skills in Java, Python, PHP, C# .NET, Android, Objective-C, or Swift
Japanese Level Business Level(JLPT Level 2 or N2)
Salary JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 3000K - JPY 5000K   
Other Salary
Preferential treatment will be given based on current annual salary, abilities, and experience. *In addition to the above, various allowances (commuting expenses, etc.) will be provided.
Introductory training
Engineer support system: Bonus for qualification acquisition, technical book support, technical training assistance
Permanent employee consultation desk: Consultation by specialized counselors
Employee interaction: Employee interaction events held about twice a year
Employee training: Business and communication training held about twice a year
Employee introduction cooperation system
Overtime pay (20 hours of estimated overtime is included in monthly salary)
Position allowance
Commuting expenses (paid in full)
Holidays Two days off per week (Saturday and Sunday)
Public holidays
Year-end and New Year holidays
Annual paid leave
Special leave (marriage, spouse's birth, bereavement, etc.)
*120 days or more of leave per year

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Web open system engineer (Experienced, graduated, and new graduates welcome)
