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Property Management/Real Estate ・ Jobs in Japan search results

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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「Property Management/Real Estate」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Property Management/Real Estate」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「Property Management/Real Estate」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : Property Management/Real Estate

Language preference :English

Displaying 41-4listings

Job Description

At our company, which provides asset management services, you will be responsible for marketing and discovering overseas investors.
We will provide opportunities for investment, mainly in real estate, to overseas wealthy individual investors.

[Business content]
・Marketing for new customers, selection of sales destinations for profitable properties
・Response to customers introduced by partner (Singapore)
・Overall asset management and financial arrangements for existing clients

[Products] Domestic residences, offices, commercial facilities, ...

Job Description

At our company, which provides asset management services, you will be responsible for marketing and discovering overseas investors.
We will provide opportunities for investment, mainly in real estate, to overseas wealthy individual investors.

[Business content]
・Marketing for new customers, selection of sales destinations for profitable properties
・Response to customers introduced by partner (Singapore)
・Overall asset management and financial arrangements for existing clients

[Products] Domestic residences, offices, commercial facilities, ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

Support the portfolio management team by assisting with filings, data management, liasing with accounting firms for checking reports, providing instructions for local vendor, and other ad-hoc duties to support the team. Accounting or accounting assistant experience would be a plus. This position is a leave cover and the expected duration will be for 10 months.



* File various reports.
* Liaise with accounting firms and trustees to manage trust beneficiary interests.
* Courier documents to administrators, lenders, ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

Job Description
Job title (position) Tourism Real Estate Business Department [Manager]
Belongs to Tourism Real Estate Department
Employment classification Full-time employee
Report to supervisor: Manager, Tourism Real Estate Business Department
Job details <Mission>
Contribute to the development of Okinawa by maximizing the value of real estate (including hotel development) that the company owns or will acquire in the future.
<Job details>
(Real estate development project management business)
• New development project management services for h ...

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