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Credit (Administration / Audit) ・ Jobs in Japan search results

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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「Credit (Administration / Audit)」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Credit (Administration / Audit)」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「Credit (Administration / Audit)」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : Credit (Administration / Audit)

Language preference :English

Displaying 31-3listings

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

[Job summary]
1. Risk assessment and identification
- Comprehensively assess the risks present in a company's day-to-day operations and identify risk factors through means of monitoring operational trends, such as analyzing data, monitoring market trends, and reviewing contracts and policies.

2. Risk management strategy
- Based on the results of the risk assessment, develop risk management strategies and plans, connect functional departments, implement risk control measures, take measures to prevent and reduce the impact on the company's operations ...

Job Description

[Business overview]
You will be stationed in-house at a major foreign investment bank and will conduct background checks on companies using credit investigation services and databases. The company's official language is English, so it's an environment where you can make good use of English.

[Specific job details]
① Corporate credit investigation
Credit checks using services and databases
②Creating a report
Create a report on the survey contents (English/Japanese)
You will be expected to complete tasks ① and ② once in approximately 3 days ...

Job Description

■Job details
1. Based on the risk appetite framework, work with the head office risk management department and the Tokyo branch risk management staff to maintain the Fukuoka branch's risk management framework
2. Monitor risk indicators at the Fukuoka branch and create regular reports
3. Implement and continuously verify the internal controls and risk management processes of each department at the Fukuoka branch, consider and implement improvement measures, foster awareness of risk management within the branch, and conduct risk-related training
4. P ...

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