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Daijob.com is the perfect place to find an environment where you can demonstrate your 「Chinese - Mandarin」 language skills!

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your 「Chinese - Mandarin」 skills.

For those with 「Chinese - Mandarin」 skills looking for work in Japan, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Language Level : Chinese - Mandarin−Basic Communication・Daily Conversation Level・Business Conversation Level・Fluent・Native Level

Language preference :English

Displaying 4931-20listings

Job Description


※【メンバー ...

Employer FactBase Inc.
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

#Job summary: Overseas sales

- Product sales in Taiwan, interpretation, document creation, etc.

- Accompanying sales staff and interpretation during sales visits

- Assistance with document creation in local languages, etc.

- Possibility of being stationed abroad

#Business trips

- We will ask you to travel overseas for about 2 weeks out of each month. ...

Job Description


代理商接洽業務 (中國代理店‧其他海外國家代理店)

‧代理商洽詢合作機會時的對應 (電話‧電子郵件)

‧與代理商簽署合作契約前的接洽業務 (公司介紹、治療項目與內容的說明、診所環境介紹等)




工作性質需常與 ...

Job Description

◇◆About 30 years of experience as a Japan-China trading company / Working hours 7.5 hours / Experienced candidates welcome / Proposals and manufacturing that are close to the customer ◆◇
Job description
You will be involved in sales of high-performance materials to the Chinese market at a Japan-China trading company. We will propose various communication-related products such as mobile/PC devices, functional materials for automobiles, and multi-core connector parts for optical communication to existing customers.

[Specifics] *Basic work will ...

Job Description

■A general trading company that operates in three areas of business in China: filters, high-performance electrical materials, and cosmetics.■We respect the ideas of our employees and have an environment where independent ideas are accepted! ■We generally have little overtime, creating a comfortable working environment!

Job Description
You will be involved in trade operations as an office staff member at our company, which handles filters (for air conditioners, air purifiers, etc.). Your main work will be document preparation related to imports ...

Job Description

[You will be active in each position of PG, SE, BSE, PL, and PM! ]
◆Let us handle projects such as web/open system development/mobile application development/infrastructure construction!

・System development for major companies
└System construction, unit/integration/comprehensive test
・Project management of web system development
└Requirement definition, schedule/resource/task management, quality control, roadmap creation
・Business support for improving development productivity
└Resource management, process improv ...

Job Description

At our company, which provides asset management services, you will be responsible for marketing and discovering overseas investors.
We will provide opportunities for investment, mainly in real estate, to overseas wealthy individual investors.

[Business content]
・Marketing for new customers, selection of sales destinations for profitable properties
・Response to customers introduced by partner (Singapore)
・Overall asset management and financial arrangements for existing clients

[Products] Domestic residences, offices, commercial facilities, ...

Job Description

[What kind of work will you do?]

1. Understand our business strategy and goals, and recruit the necessary talent through formulating and executing a recruitment plan.

2. Through interviews and selection of applicants, we will recruit talented people who empathize with our vision and culture and can contribute to our growth.

3. Work to improve our recruitment process to ensure smooth and efficient recruitment activities.

4. Take a strategic approach to recruit more diverse talent, such as holding market research and recruitment events and usin ...

Job Description

Yolo Technologyはグローバル採用アプリ「Bossjob」の運営を行っています。

シンガポール発 世界300万人の人材が登録する

・SNS媒体に出稿する画像クリエ ...

Job Description



お客様の要望のヒアリングから始まり、注文獲得、お客様や工場との納期や数量の調整、入金確認、アフターフ ...

Recruiter WENET JPN(株)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description


■入社後:2024年12月の事務所移転に伴うプロジェクト(移転先の施工や備品手配が問題なく進んでいるかの進行確認、日本支社の制度 ...

Job Description


■来日時以外の業 ...

Recruiter (株)Offbeat
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


事業の立ち上げに参画できるため、チャレンジ精神・成長意欲 ...

Job Description

当社が運営するホテル「GOOD NATURE HOTEL KYOTO」にて、フロント業務をメインにお任せします。インバウンド客の方が多くの割合を占めるため語学力を活かした活躍を期待しています。語学力を活かしたキャリアップ

が叶う環境です。《フロント業務》チェックイン・アウト/予約受付/問い合わせ対応/ベル業務/お荷物の運搬/宅配対応/備品・貸出備品管理 等
※観光都市の為、観光情報や提案などを行うこともございま ...

Job Description

メーカーや商社、船会社をはじめ、国際物流をビジネスで用いるあらゆる業種・業態の企業を対象に営業活動を行って頂きます ※現在多くの日本企業が国際物流を利用しているため、提案先に困ることはありません。

■問題解決に向けたソリューショ ...

Job Description


【当社の特徴】企画から開発・設計、生産技術、生産管理を含めた一貫生産システムを導入。建設機械・農業機械等のキャビンの専門メーカーとして、国内トップクラスのシェアを誇り、製品数は100種類超えます。 ...

Job Description


【業務詳細】WeChatのマーケティングコミュニティー内でリードを獲得し、実商品ラインナップや販売方法の改善提案、販売拡大のプロモーション提案、商品導入後のフォローを行います。【主な取引先】ドラッグストア、家電量販店、免税店、EC、ホテ ...

Job Description


中国のお客様の対応がメインです。当社は計測関係の製品が強く、現在中国市場を中心に海外にも積極的に販路を拡大しており、貿易業務人員の募集です。 ...

Recruiter (株)マイタックジャパン
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


新規パートナーの開拓と既存顧客間との関係性の強化、市場動向・競合情報を分析し、営業戦略を立案していただきます。本社事業部のPM/営業チーム/FAEとダイレクトにコミュニケーションをしていただきながらチームワーク通じ、極 ...

Job Description



「業務内容の変更範囲:当社業務全般」 ...

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