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Mission: To discover and deliver quality stories to the world

What We're Proud ofWhy millions of people are using SmartNews!

10M+ articles analyzed, categorized and evaluated per day
・Billions of channel interactions and article pageviews generated per month
50% DAU/MAU (users love our newsfeeds more than mobile games)
20M+ downloads
200+ publisher partners in the US, 200+ in Japan
$90M in funding from GREE, Atomico, Globis Partners, Mixi, Development Bank of Japan

JobOur Mission: A Better Way to Discover News

Our Mission
News should be for everyone. But not when it’s buried under cat videos—or when your internet is spotty—or when it’s in a filter bubble. That’s why we created SmartNews.

Our mission is to discover and deliver quality stories to the world. To accomplish this:

We are a machine learning company.
News should be impartial, trending and trustworthy. Our algorithms evaluate millions of articles, social signals and human interactions to deliver the top 0.01% of stories that matter most, right now.

We love content.
News should be sustainable. We support quality journalism and respect publishers by sharing 100% of article traffic and revenue.

What We're Proud ofWe believe in technology!

How do you deliver the world’s most important information to the people who need it automatically, in real-time?
How do you determine what makes a quality story or what people want to read?
This is a problem both on a planetary and individual scale, and requires many different disciplines to solve.

Benefits/EnvironmentVISA Sponsorship and More Company Benefits!

・Voluntary Trip - Working remotely twice a year
・SmartKitchen - Healthy lunch on a daily basis for free
・ChikyuCoffee - Delicious coffee provided by our Barista every day
・Event space - Free use for any kind of meet up
・Foreign language development support
・Various social insurance benefits included
・Full transportation coverage

Would you like to discover and deliver quality stories to the world?

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