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Company Information

Company Name Hayabusa.com K.K.
Country of Company HQ Japan
Location of Company Japan
Company Intro
We have teamed up with the Motivation Switch Group to run a childcare business that supports children's growth.

Nowadays, it is common for both parents to work, and it has become necessary to leave children in facilities.
And the education market is growing and expanding every year.

Precisely because of these times, we provide "a new form of after-school childcare with an educational environment",
We aim to provide education rooted in the local community.

Both children and staff can have fun and grow together.
We will cherish both the future of our children and the future of our staff.
Would you like to create such a new business with us?
Industry Education/School
Location 〒3210106
栃木県 宇都宮市 上横田町853
President 野田 和郎
Year of Establishment 2022
Number of Employees 257
Description of Business Educational business
URL https://hayabusa.com/kyouikuzigyou/
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Hayabusa.com K.K.

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