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This posting is managed by: Robot Job Japan / Global Career Agent Inc.
Company Name Company is not publicly visible
Job Type Electronics (Appliance/Semiconductor) - Basic Research and Development
Manufacturing (Automobile/Plant Engineering/Precision Equipment) - Basic Research and Development
Manufacturing (Automobile/Plant Engineering/Precision Equipment) - Architect/CAD Architect/CAD Operator/Plant Architect
Industry Automotive and Parts Manufacturing
Location Asia Japan Hokkaido Sapporo

Job Description The systems engineer will be responsible for implementing the design of the propulsion system and other systems.
- Design of propulsion system
- Coordination with each component developer
- Coordination with project managers
- Detailed comparison with systems of other technologies
- Preparation and execution of system tests
- Analysis of test data
- Improvement of data analysis methods
- Value-added creation from a systems perspective
Company Info Technology venture aims to commercialize hybrid chemical propulsion for spacecrafts.
Established: 2020
Number of employees: 49

For further job listing of Robotics, AI, IoT, New Mobility opportunities, please check http://www.gc-agent.com/robotjobjapan/
・Experience with 3D CAD (Fusion360, Inventor, Solidworks, etc.)
・Basic knowledge of thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, material mechanics, mechanical mechanics, etc.
・Experience in manufacturing

・Basic knowledge of systems engineering
・Experience in rocket system construction
・Experience in building satellite systems
・Experience in reliability evaluation using reliability evaluation (FMECA, etc.)
・Experience in team projects
English Level Business Conversation Level (TOEIC 735-860)
Salary Depends on experience   

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Robot Job Japan / Global Career Agent Inc.

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