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School Management ・ Jobs in Japan search results

Job Search


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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「School Management」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「School Management」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「School Management」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : School Management

Language preference :English

Displaying 511-20listings


Asia Japan Kyoto Kyoto


Depends on experience

Japanese Level Native Level
Chinese Level None
Job Description

Starting in January 2025, Temple University will broaden its presence in Japan through the establishment of a new satellite campus in Kyoto. Over the past three years, the Japan campus of Temple University (TUJ) has experienced unprecedented growth, including an 80% increase in its undergraduate student population. To take our next leap forward by securing more space for our growing student body, expanding our impact beyond Tokyo, and advancing our new initiatives, TUJ has partnered with Kyoto-based Seibo Jogakuin (Seibo). Founded over 100 years ago, Sei ...

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英語でお預かりする新しい形の学童保育「Kids Duo」での英語レッスン、教室運営サポートをお任せするバイリンガル講師を募集しています!

英語で預かる学童保育『Kids Duo』のティーチャーとして、
3歳~小学6年生までの子どもたちに英語でレッスン ...

Job Description



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Asia Japan Tokyo Meguro


JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 3500K - JPY 4000K
(Monthly Salary Range: JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 291.667K - JPY 333.333K *Divided into12 month )

Japanese Level Native Level
Chinese Level None
Job Description

[Attractive points]

-You can utilize your English conversation skills!

-125 days of holiday per year

-Example of annual salary: 3.5 million yen or more (first year after joining)

-Fulfilling career path!

[Job description]
You will be in charge of classroom management as a communication hub for students, parents, and instructors!

-School guidance in Japanese and English
-Supporting students and parents
-Career interviews and study consultations
-Responding to inquiries
-Schedule management
-Lounge work
-Event planning and manageme ...

Job Description

【job description】
Please work as a childcare worker at our company's "Laurus International School of Science."

Through our interactions with native teachers, we not only help children improve their communication skills through English, but also focus on the field of science, and practice childcare that brings out children's independence and curiosity to the fullest. Masu.

・Childcare using English
English lessons in the morning, science-based activities in the afternoon

・Parent support
・Children's health and safety management
・Les ...


Asia Japan Tokyo Minato


JPY - Japanese Yen Under JPY 4500K
(Monthly Salary Range: JPY - Japanese Yen Under JPY 375K *Divided into12 month )

Japanese Level Native Level
Chinese Level None
Job Description

Attractive points
★Good work-life balance (annual holidays: from 130 days)
★With over 140 foreign employees, you can speak English with native teachers on a daily basis and acquire skills
★No worries about life stage changes!

We are looking for a person to work in headquarters administration, IT support, and school operation support at our company, which operates an international school.

As this job involves contact with various people both inside and outside the company,
we are looking for someone who can flexibly work on many projects. ...


Asia Japan Tokyo Minato / Asia Japan Tokyo Meguro / Asia Japan Kanagawa Kawasaki


JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 3000K - JPY 4500K
(Monthly Salary Range: JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 250K - JPY 375K *Divided into12 month )

Japanese Level Native Level
Chinese Level None
Job Description

Attractive points
★ A fulfilling work-life balance (annual holidays: from 130 days)
★ With over 140 foreign employees, you can speak English with native teachers on a daily basis and acquire skills
★ No worries about changes in life stages!

[Job description]
You will be in charge of reception at our company, which operates an international school.

Specific duties include responding to inquiries and applications for admission, accepting trial admissions and admissions, and managing various information. This position supports the operation ...

Job Description





小学生のレッ ...

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