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Teacher/Instructor ・ Jobs in Japan search results

Job Search


Search Results

Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「Teacher/Instructor」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Teacher/Instructor」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「Teacher/Instructor」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Job type : Teacher/Instructor

Language preference :English

Displaying 571-20listings

Job Description

We are looking for talent managers for our VTuber groups hololive English and HOLOSTARS English, who will be supporting our talents with their activities, growth, and self-actualization.

【Work Details】
・Handling the motivations of our talents.
・Schedule management and goal planning.
・Handling communications with other departments.
・Attending events, advertisements, and recordings together with talents.
・Tech support and troubleshooting.
・Stream support.

【Before Applying】
Applicants must meet the following r ...

Job Description

At the TUJ Counseling Office, licensed psychologists and professional counselors provide services to students through individual counseling and workshops, as well as referrals to other resources on campus or nearby. The services are designed to increase students’ self-awareness, improve problem-solving skills, and accomplish their personal and academic goals. The services are offered in both English and Japanese. Some common issues that are addressed include: depression, anxiety, relationship problems, stress management, loss and grief, procrastination ...

Job Description


英語でお預かりする新しい形の学童保育「Kids Duo」での英語レッスン、教室運営サポートをお任せするバイリンガル講師を募集しています!

英語で預かる学童保育『Kids Duo』のティーチャーとして、
3歳~小学6年生までの子どもたちに英語でレッスン ...

Job Description



Job Description



Job Description



Job Description



Job Description



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Job Description



Job Description

【job description】
Please work as a childcare worker at our company's "Laurus International School of Science."

Through our interactions with native teachers, we not only help children improve their communication skills through English, but also focus on the field of science, and practice childcare that brings out children's independence and curiosity to the fullest. Masu.

・Childcare using English
English lessons in the morning, science-based activities in the afternoon

・Parent support
・Children's health and safety management
・Les ...

Job Description





小学生のレッ ...

Job Description


“All English”の環境で、子どもの英語学習をサポート★

大学教授 応用言語学博士監修のカリキュラムで、
全校共通のレッスンプランがあるので、レッスン準備も安心です! ...

Job Description

Yaruki Switch is currently accepting applications for our Dispatch English Teacher position mainly in the Greater Tokyo area, with the possibility of covering regions such as Kanto, Chubu, Kansai, Tohoku, Kyushu, and Hokkaido!
Successful candidates may be assigned to various brands under the Yaruki Switch Group, including WinBe, Kids Duo, Kids Duo International, and i Kids Star.

◆ Dispatch Teacher: Main Responsibilities & Duties

As a Dispatch Teacher, you will be sent to different schools throughout Japan for 3-4 month periods. Other than provid ...

Job Description

Yaruki Switch Group is opening a brand new Kids Duo International school in Fukuoka, and as such is looking for passionate and motivated new staff to join the team!

The school is scheduled to open for the April 2024 school year and is looking for experienced teachers interested in taking advantage of this unique opportunity to help build the school from the ground up.

Your first month of employment will be spent participating in our comprehensive Initial Training program at one of our established KDI schools, after which teachers will take part in ...

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