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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in 「Other」 and expand your experience and expertise.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information on jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills in 「Other」.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan in 「Other」, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

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Job type : Other

Language preference :English

Displaying 6541-60listings

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ Senior Level
Job Description



【勤務地】ベトナム ハノイまたはホーチミン ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

We will be in charge of project management for the interior construction of office partition installations.

We do not do any actual construction work; our main job is to direct and supervise on-site.
(The actual construction work will be carried out by a contractor contracted by our company.)

Main duties:
・Direction, supervision, and management of partition construction sites
・Project process/cost management
・Meetings and negotiations with customers regarding orders
・Communication and coordination with our sales department and design d ...

Recruiter Global Partners, Inc.

Asia Japan Tokyo


JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 3000K - JPY 5000K
(Monthly Salary Range: JPY - Japanese Yen JPY 250K - JPY 416.667K *Divided into12 month )

Japanese Level Business Level(JLPT Level 2 or N2)
Chinese Level None
Job Description

A must-see for the following people! !
■Those who want to work hard as construction manager
■Those who want to live a stable life with almost no transfers or overtime work
■Those who want to take on the challenge with no experience

[Pick up points]
■Since our founding in 1882, we are a long-established company that operates as both a "building material trading company" and a "specialized construction company"!
■Construction management of external wall construction such as secondary concrete products and metal insulation sandwich panels ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description


(3)入札業務の ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


<雇用形態>契約社員 ※案件が続けばほかプロジェクトに参画いただくこともございます ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


【勤務地】ハノイ、ホーチミン近隣の工業団地、ハイフォン地区等(ベトナム国内での異動あり)の事務所・各現場作業所 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description




【勤務地】ハノイ/ホーチミン ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ Senior Level
Job Description

・ローカ ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Executive Level
Job Description

・オーナーへの報告 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description

・施工監理責任者への報告 ...

Job Description

・プロジェ ...

Job Description


・ローカルスタッフの労務管理 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


・クライアントとの商談、打ち合わせ ...

Job Description


・諸官庁協議を含む社内外プロジェクト関係者との調整・建築主との調整、定例出席など・上記に伴う各種資料、図面の作成等 ...

Job Description


・顧客向け資料作成など ...

Job Description


・工事着 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description


・引き渡し 等
※ご経験により、マネージャーとしての採 ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

Our company is responsible for everything from plant and piping design to management, necessary for facilities such as nuclear power plants. We work hard every day to support the safety and security of workers, local residents, and the entire country of Japan. We will entrust you with the plant design that will support this.

■Proposing and accepting necessary products to customers as technical sales/proposals/estimation
■Project manager for design management from order to delivery as business plan
■Actual production work includ ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

■Job Description: [Scope of change: Duties as determined by the company]
Our company performs conformity assessments and audits related to buildings, etc.
You will maintain cooperation with HSE personnel in your home country and other countries, understand global policies, and carry out HSE work in Japan.

1) HSE network coordination and ongoing implementation and maintenance

・Group information coordination (dissemination and reporting of newsletters, alerts, feedback from OG meetings, etc.)

・Preparation of Operating Reviews

・Partici ...

Recruiter (Company is not publicly visible)
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

Approval work for energy conservation conformity assessment and BELS, and handling of advance inquiries and review work
[Specific work content]
- Review and approve whether the modeling of the building design and equipment plan is done appropriately in the web calculation program
◆ The Energy Conservation Law for Buildings has recently become more important as a regulation related to the Building Standards Law,

It is a growing field where the uses and scale of the subject of the law are expected to increase in the future.
◆ As an authorizer, y ...

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