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Job Search


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Use your English / language skills as a bilingual to find work in Japan in a variety of in demand fields such as IT, Marketing and Hospitality.Expand your horizons and learn new skills and culture whilst gaining invaluable experience.

At Daijob.com, we have a wealth of information for jobs in Japan and how you can make the most of your skills and experience.

For those with bilingual skills looking for work in Japan, please refer to the below list of jobs, or refine your search further.

Daijob.com has plenty of jobs in Japan for bilinguals so let’s search Daijob.com to find your perfect matching job in Japan!

Current Search Conditions

Industry : Education/School

Language preference :English

Displaying 19061-80listings

Job Description

Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference?

The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

【Role & Responsiblities】
・Engaging children using English in a variety of settings
・Creating exciting and fun, purposeful lesson plans, leading activities/classes, and providing support to other staff when they lead activities/classes
・Working as a team and communicating to ensure the best possible experience for children, each ...

Job Description

We are currently looking for an English teacher to join our Kids Duo Kyoto team!

Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference?

The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

【Role & Responsiblities】
・Engaging children using English in a variety of settings
・Creating exciting and fun, purposeful lesson plans, leading activities/classes, and providing support to other staff when they lead activities/classes
・Working a ...

Job Description

Do you enjoy working with children? Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference?

The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

WinBe Meisei School in Nagoya City is currently looking for passionate and enthusiastic teachers to join our team!

WinBe is a time-tested, continuously expanding English conversation school with locations all over Japan.

Our goal is to bring English education in Japan to a new level, with outstanding results gained from a conversation a ...

Job Description

Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference?

The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

【Role & Responsiblities】
・Engaging children using English in a variety of settings
・Creating exciting and fun, purposeful lesson plans, leading activities/classes, and providing support to other staff when they lead activities/classes
・Working as a team and communicating to ensure the best possible experience for children, every ...

Job Description

We are currently looking for English teachers to join our Kids Duo Imafukutsurumi and Ryokuchikoen schools.

Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference?

The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

【Role & Responsiblities】
・Engaging children using English in a variety of settings
・Creating exciting and fun, purposeful lesson plans, leading activities/classes, and providing support to other staff when they lead activi ...

Job Description

Kids Duo Yokogawa School in Hiroshima City is currently looking for passionate and enthusiastic teachers to join our team!

Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference? The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

■ Main Duties and Responsibilities

• Follow the Kids Duo framework of lessons, while creatively developing your own personalized and unique approach in teaching
• Supervise and maintain the safety & wellbeing of ...

Job Description

Do you enjoy working with children?
Are you looking for a meaningful position where you could put your language skills to use and make a difference?

The Yaruki Switch Group might be the ideal place for you!

【Role & Responsiblities】
・Engaging children using English in a variety of settings
・Creating exciting and fun, purposeful lesson plans, leading activities/classes and providing support to other staff when they lead activities/classes
・Working as a team and communicating to ensure the best possible experience for children, each a ...

Recruiter (株)プログリット
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


【詳細】■事業戦略の策定 ■実行 ・P/L管理 ■KPI管理 ■組織運営 ■経営陣へのレポーティング
■顧客との距離が近いため手応えを感じ ...

Job Description


■数名?数十名の児童に対して教室を開いており、その講師としての業務をお任せします。■ダンスか英語の得意な教室運営から学んでいただき、両方とも運営をいただくことを目指していきます ...

Job Description


・事務業務(講師やスタッフの勤怠管理、請求処 ...

Job Description


◆少人数グループレッスン、1:2指導、1:1プライベート指導◆フロント職と講師職で役割を明確に分けており、事務処理などで教室運営を強力くサポートするので、講師は専門性の高い「教育のプロ」として活躍できます。【新人研修充実】模擬授業などでス ...

Job Description


◆少人数グループレッスン、1:2指導、1:1プライベート指導◆フロント職と講師職で役割を明確に分けており、事務処理などで教室運営を強力くサポートするので、講師は専門性の高い「教育のプロ」として活躍できます。【新人研修充実】模擬授業などでス ...

Job Description


◆少人数グループレッスン、1:2指導、1:1プライベート指導◆フロント職と講師職で役割を明確に分けており、事務処理などで教室運営を強力くサポートするので、講師は専門性の高い「教育のプロ」として活躍できます。【新人研修充実】模擬授業などでス ...

Job Description


■学部:学部担当業務全般、学部教育のプログラム企画/管理/運営実務、カリキュラム編成,授業計画策定・時間割調整、会議運営、学生窓口,教員対応、その他学部の関連業務 など ...

Job Description


【当社の目指す姿】決して勉強の指導をするだけではありません、子ども達の好奇心を促進 ...

Job Description


※その他、電話対応などの一般事務も含まれます。 ...

Job Description


◆英語指導(オンライン/対面):マンツーマン&グループレッスン(最大10名)を担当(1コマ55分/平日は3?5コマ、土日は5?7コマ程度/生徒は18歳?30代半の方がメインです。)※一部カ ...

Recruiter (有)Emile.Kスクール
  • ★ ★ Staff Level
Job Description

■保育業務 ■語学を含めた学習業務 ■保育日誌の作成 ■指導計画の作成

仕事を通しながら、 ...

Job Description


◇新規生徒/保護者への体験授業/入会説明 ◇生徒成績管理、生徒面談 ◇授業の準備/実施 ◇保護者対応/面談 ◇教室の売上管理 ◇ ...

Recruiter (株)学研ホールディングス
  • ★ ★ ★ ★ Manager Level
Job Description


【詳細】業務提携のためのインド企業の発掘、シナジー考案、業務・資本提携推進、事業計画づくり・戦略実施による売上出しまでを中心となって進めて頂きます。 【ミッション】今後教育もしくはヘルスケアの分野で ...

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