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Job Details 英語力活かせる★輸入食品営業【外資系専門商社】食肉卸売業や有名ホテル・レストランへの営業など
Company Name Japan Open Poker Tour
Country of Company HQ Japan
Location of Company Japan
Company Intro
The Japan Open Poker Tour is the largest poker tournament in Japan, held annually since 2011. It is held twice a year, with Tokyo, Osaka, and Grand Final events. Qualifying for each event is held at poker spots around the country, and only those who pass the qualifying rounds can participate in the finals. Players who perform well in the finals are registered as Japan's representatives in overseas tournaments, where they can compete against poker players from around the world.
Industry Other
Location Table Media Center 3F, 2-21 Ichigaya Honmuracho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
President Tsubasa Kamei
Year of Establishment April 22, 2016
Capital 5,000,000 yen
Number of Employees 10
Description of Business ◇Poker tournament planning and management (over 100,000 participants!)
◇Internet content distribution and advertising

[Registered trademarks]
・Japan Open Poker Tour Registration No. 5736846
・Japan Open Poker Tour Registration No. 5743496
・JAPAN OPEN POKER TOUR Registration No. 5743497
・Affiliated organizations: Japan Poker Federation (General Incorporated Association)
Work Location
(Nearest Station)
Japan Open Poker Tour Co., Ltd.
[Head Office]
Table Media Center 3F, 2-21 Ichigaya Honmuracho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo
URL https://japanopenpoker.com/
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Japan Open Poker Tour

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