Job Search
Company Name |
Interworks Confidence inc. |
Job Type |
Creative (Media Related) - Creative (Game/Video/Audio)
Planning/Marketing/PR - Advertisement/Communication/PR Planning/Marketing/PR - Event Planner/Management |
Industry | Games |
Location |
Asia Japan Kanagawa Asia Japan Osaka |
Job Description |
<Examples of specific duties> ・Photographing goods samples ・Writing scripts/responding to internal reviews ・Responding to image and video orders (including direction) ・Confirming necessary materials with the person in charge of measures ・Confirming deliverables and giving correction instructions (including creating order instructions) ・Arranging for external companies (transport companies, printing companies) ・Responding to requests for quotes ・Attending on-site and managing progress ・Directing from data creation to submission ・Responding to external stakeholders ・Responding to live broadcasts/live events ...etc. <Platform> We deal with over 250 companies, mainly major and famous game companies. We have a variety of smartphone apps, consumer games, PC online games, etc. In addition to AR/VR projects, we also have the latest projects related to Web 3.0, such as blockchain, NFT, and metaverse. <Genre> We have a wide variety of genres, including RPG, simulation, action, sports, idol, and puzzles. There is also a chance to be involved in the works of your dreams, such as titles with 20 million downloads and titles that are popular all over the world! |
Company Info |
Our company does business with over 250 companies in the gaming industry, mainly major and well-known game companies. We receive over 300 diverse requests per month and are a publicly listed company that continues to grow steadily. With a wide range of projects, we have the opportunity to try our hand at a variety of genres, including social games, RPGs, sports, idols, Sengoku, and music. [Measures to prevent passive smoking] Smoking is prohibited indoors as a general rule (smoking areas are available) |
Job Requirements |
【下記いずれかの経験をお持ちの方】 ・ゲーム・エンタメ業界において何らかの経験がある方 ・プロモーション、進行管理経験 ・社内外などとの折衝経験 ★ゲーム業界での実務経験をお持ちの方歓迎!※職種や経験年数は不問 ★学歴や就業ブランク、転職回数、前職の雇用形態は不問。これまでアルバイトや契約社員、派遣社員などの雇用形態で働いていた方も大歓迎です。 【歓迎される経験・スキル】 ~以下いずれかに当てはまる方は、ゲーム業界未経験でもご相談ください~ □IT業界でシステム開発に携わっていた □エンタメやアニメーションの業界で働いていた □プロのゲーマー(プロレベルのゲーマー・大会での優勝経験がある方) □ゲーム会社でインターン研修を受けたことがある ★ライバー事業などの配信企画やeスポーツの大会運営などの経験がある方もぜひご応募を! |
Japanese Level | Fluent(JLPT Level 1 or N1) |
Salary | Depends on experience |
Holidays |
完全週休2日制(土・日・祝祭日) 夏期休暇 有給休暇 慶弔休暇 育児休暇 |