Global Career Guide

キービジュアル キービジュアル


部長⇩ 課長⇩



取締役会長 Chairperson / Chairman
理事長 Board Chairman
取締役副会長 Vice Chairperson
代表取締役 Representative Director
社長 President
副社長 Executive Vice President / Senior Vice President
専務取締役 Senior Managing Director / Executive Managing Director /
Senior Executive Director
常務取締役 Managing Director / Executive Director
取締役・役員 Director / Member of the Board
社外取締役 Outside Director
相談役(顧問) Senior Adviser / Executive Adviser
監査役 Auditor
執行役員 Corporate Officer / Executive Officer
参与 Counselor / Consultant
最高経営責任者 Chief Executive Officer / CEO
最高業務執行責任者 Chief Operating Officer / COO
最高財務責任者 Chief Financial Officer / CFO
最高法務責任者 Chief Judicial Officer / CJO
最高マーケティング責任者 Chief Marketing Officer / CMO
最高情報責任者 Chief Information Officer / CIO
最高技術責任者 Chief Technical Officer / Chief Technology Officer / CTO
支社長 General Manager / Vice President
支店長 Branch Chief / Branch Manager / Branch Office Manager /
Store Manager / Office Manager
工場長 Factory Director / Factory Manager / Plant Manager


本部長 Chief of Headquarters / General Manager
部長 Manager / Director / Head of Department
営業部長 Sales Manager / Sales Department Manager
総務部長 Administrative Manager / Chief of General Affairs
財務部長 Treasurer / Financial Director
副部長(部長補佐) Sub Manager / Vice Manager / Assistant Manager
業務部長(課長) Department Chief / Section Chief / Section Head
部長代理 Acting General Manager / Assistant Manager
次長 Assistant General Manager


課長 Section Chief / Section Head
課長補佐 Assistant Director AD / Deputy Section Manager
営業部長 Sales Department Manager / Sales Manager
課長代理 Assistant Section Chief / Deputy Manager
参事 Secretary / Escritoire
副参事 Deputy Associate Director (Chief of a Section) / Deputy Councilor
主幹 Chief Editor / Managing Editor


係長 Section Head / Unit Head
主任 Supervisor / Chief / Head
主査 Project General Manager


社員(部員) Staff / Employee
アシスタント、補佐 Assistant
見習い、研修生 Trainee
インターン、助手 Intern
