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直接採用 Kasagi Labo

社名 Kasagi Labo
本社国籍 シンガポール
所在国 日本
Kasagi Labo invests & acquires Japanese anime IPs & studios to bring them to a global market.

This is achieved through building interactive, unique experiences for anime fans to engage with, including limited edition merchandise and global anime communities.

Our mission is to help creators achieve creative and financial freedom.

Our vision is to cultivate a worldwide anime platform, bringing together 1 billion fans who can actively explore and engage with the anime they adore. Creators are empowered to connect with dedicated anime enthusiasts, fostering an exchange of opinions on their creations. Through this collaborative interaction, we aspire to create a dynamic space where creators and fans actively contribute to developing and shaping global anime IPs.
業種 マスコミ・広告・出版・印刷・放送
所在地 東京都千代田区神田錦町2-2-1 KANDA SQUARE 11F
代表者 代表取締役CEO 和泉將一
設立年 2023年9月
資本金 N/A
株式公開 N/A
従業員数 1
事業内容 Kasagi Labo is a haven for anime fans of all backgrounds, providing a platform for anime studios and creators to collaborate and celebrate their shared passion. At Kasagi, we empower one another by democratizing the process of funding, creating, and enjoying the anime art form we all treasure.

Kasagi breathes life into beloved anime characters, allowing them to share their daily routines and interact with us in their free time. This connection fosters a deep bond between fans and their favourite characters, while Kasagi acts as a gateway to preserving the essence of anime for future generations to experience and love just as we do.
オフィスへのアクセス 「神保町駅」より徒歩7分
URL https://www.kasagilabo.com/ja/index.html