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ビジネス英語テクニック ビジネスメール前文の基本的な書き方(パート1)


The average business person sends and receives around 120 emails per day, so it is important that we communicate clearly and concisely. Covering the topic of business Email is a long process, therefore I would like to deal with this topic in two parts: in this blog I will look at how to start a basic business email and next week I will follow up with how to write the main body of and end a basic business email.


Let’s start by looking at two emails.

最初のメールはABCコーポレーションの徳橋 聡(Satoshi Tokuhashi)からMelissa Greeneへ宛てたビジネスメールです。

The first email is from Satoru Tokuhashi of ABC Corporation to Melissa Greene:


Dearest Mrs. Melissa Greene-san,

最も親愛なるMelissa Greene さんへ

I am representing ABC Corporation and my name is Satoshi Tokuhashi.


We were wondering at all if it would be possible for you to consider sending us the price list that you iterated upon in the meeting we held on Thursday 14th November 2014?


We are waiting patiently for your favorable reply.


Yours sincerely,


Satoshi Tokuhashi.

徳橋 聡


In this email, the writer:


  • – Used an incorrect salutation by mixing ‘Mrs.’ and ‘san’.


  • – Used the salutation ‘Mrs’.


  • – Didn’t include a subject title.


  • – Used complex English phrases and grammar.


  • – Filled up the email with complex expressions.


  • – Made it difficult to understand what the purpose of the email is.



Here is the same email again but written differently:


Hi Mrs. Melissa.


I am Satoshi.


Send us a copy of the price list you told us about at the meeting.


See you.





Here the writer:


  • – Used ‘Mrs’ again but with only her first name.


  • – Introduced himself using only his first name and not his company name or his surname.


  • – Used very short, impolite and demanding language to ask for something.


  • – Used an overly informal term to close the email, (e.g. ‘see you’).

あまりにも砕けた言い回しを、メールの最後の結びに使用(「see you」)。

  • – Used only his surname at the end of the email.



Did you spot all of the mistakes?


Now let’s review how we structure the beginning of an email correctly.

題名/Subject Title


It is always important to add a subject title to make it clear what the purpose of the email is and it’s level of importance to the recipient – this makes it easier to sort for people who receive hundred of emails a day. We should also put the email type in square brackets before the title to make it clearer to understand the purpose of the email:

[Action Required] Submission of Expenses Report「作業の必要あり」経費報告書の提出
[Documents Attached] Q1 Sales Report「資料添付」Q1セールス報告
[Urgent] Shift Cover「緊急」シフトの代理
[Request] Paid Holiday「リクエスト」有給休暇
[Meeting Request] Friday 23rd July 2015 at 14.00「会議リクエスト」2015年7月23日金曜日14時



When emailing someone for the first time, we should add ‘Mr.’ or ‘Ms.’ before their first name and avoid using confusing multi-language expressions, such as ‘san’. ‘Mrs.’ is now considered an outdated term and not appropriate for addressing a female recipient:

Dear Mr. / Ms. … ,(男性にはMr.を、女性にはMs.を使用)…様へ
Hi (first name),(相手の名前さん)、こんにちは
*To whom it may concern, 関係者各位(担当者様)

*When we don’t know if the recipient is male or female.


あいさつ文/Opening Greeting


It is always considered polite to add an opening greeting at the beginning to set the tone and to add pleasantries to the email:

I hope you are well / I hope all is well / I hope this email finds you well.お元気ですか。/ いかがお過ごしですか。/ お変わりないことと存じます。
I hope you are enjoying the nice weather.過ごしやすい季節と存じます。
I hope you enjoyed the spring break.春休みをいかがお過ごしでしょうか。

Now let’s see how the start of email should look:



Dear Ms. Greene,


I hope you are well.


My name is Satoshi Tokuhashi from ABC Corporation. I believe we met last Thursday at the Synergy meeting in Nihonbashi …

私はABCコーポレーションの徳橋 聡と申します。私の記憶が正しければ、先週木曜日、日本橋でのSynergyの会議でお会いしたと思うのですが…

To be continued …




In my next blog, I will be looking at how to write the main body of and end an email.

Noel Bradshaw

ロゼッタストーンラーニングセンター COO

Noel Bradshawは、経営コンサルティング会社アクセンチュアのロンドン支店にて経営コンサルタントとしてのキャリアを積んだ後、2年間JETプログラムに参加。現在はロゼッタストーンラーニングセンターでCOOに就任し、運営全般の指揮を執る。

Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.


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