Global Career Guide

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ビジネス英語テクニック 謝罪の仕方


There comes a time in everyone’s career when we need to apologize to either a client, customer or even someone in our own company. In Japan as well as abroad, the way in which we apologize can have a huge impact on the public perception of your business. A customer or client who has a bad experience with you will tell twice as many people as those who have a positive experience, so it is important that we remember these five steps when making a formal apology:


Acknowledge the Problem and Apologize

Sorry about that. すみませんでした。
Sorry + for the trouble / to hear that. その問題の件では / その件は + すみませんでした。
We are terribly sorry + for the inconvenience / that had to happen to you.迷惑をかけてしまって/ そのような問題が生じてしまい + 本当にすみません。
*We apologize + for the inconvenience.ご迷惑をおかけしましたことを + お詫び申し上げます。
*Please accept our apologies.心よりお詫び申し上げます。


*These phrases are more formal.


Provide an Explanation:

We are still trying to + get used to the new system / deal with some issues新しいシステム取り入れたばかりでして / 大きな問題に取り組み中でして
We are having trouble with + our system / our security私たちのシステム / 私たちのセキュリティ +  に問題を抱えておりまして
*We are experiencing some + problems with the heating / technical difficulties…暖房に問題があるものと考えられます / 技術面で問題があるものと見て考えられます。
*We are facing some minor setbacks with + our new procedure私たちの新しい手続きの過程におきまして + いくつかの小さな問題に直面している次第です。


*These phrases are more formal.


Providing Reassurance:

We will work it out soon. すぐに対処させていただきます。
We promise that it won’t happen again. このようなことが二度と起こらないことをお約束します。
*We can assure you that this is only temporary.これは一時的なものであることを保証致します。


*This phrase is more formal.


Provide Options:

Would you like to + upgrade your room / speak to the manager?お部屋をアップグレードなさいますか? / 上の者とお話なさいますか?
Is there anything I can do to further assist you?何かお役に立てることはございませんか?


Offer Compensation:

We would like to offer you + a free upgrade + by way of apology.お詫びに + 無料のアップグレード + を提供させて頂きます。
*Please accept this as a token of our appreciation and apology.私たちの感謝とお詫びのしるしとしてこちらをお納めくださいませ。


*This phrase is more formal.


Let’s take a look at how a member of the front desk team at a top hotel handles a complaint from a guest:

Guest: I’d like to make a complaint.


Front desk staff: I see, sir. May I ask what the problem is?


Guest: Yes. I couldn’t get any hot water in my room for two nights, the air conditioning didn’t work so I was freezing cold and the light was flickering on and off all night.


Front desk staff: I see. I’m terribly sorry to hear that.


Guest: And to make matters worse, I called the front desk and no-one picked up! I waited for over twenty minutes!


Front desk staff: I see. Please accept our apologies. We are experiencing some technical difficulties at the moment because some parts of the hotel are being refurbished.


Guest: Right, that’s understandable.


Front desk staff: We can assure you that this is only temporary and that it will not happen again.


Guest: Yes, but I still paid a lot to stay in this hotel and I feel that the service has been a lot poorer than I expected.


Front desk staff: Would you like to speak to the manager?


Guest: No, there is no need, but is there something you can do about my bill?


Front desk staff: Okay. I’m afraid I cannot adjust your bill this time but we would like to offer you a free upgrade on your next stay by way of apology and please accept this discount coupon as a token of our appreciation.


Guest: Thank you.



Hopefully, these phrases and the five-step apology technique will help you when making that all-important apology to a valued client. Remember, that giving a reason is not always necessary as it could open up further confrontation. The key thing to have is confidence in your organization and team and that you can convince the client that you will continue to provide better service in the future.


In my next blog, I will be looking at how to construct a basic business email.

Noel Bradshaw

ロゼッタストーンラーニングセンター COO

Noel Bradshawは、経営コンサルティング会社アクセンチュアのロンドン支店にて経営コンサルタントとしてのキャリアを積んだ後、2年間JETプログラムに参加。現在はロゼッタストーンラーニングセンターでCOOに就任し、運営全般の指揮を執る。

Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.


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