Global Career Guide

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ビジネス英語テクニック トレンドの説明の仕方


There may come a time in our working lives when we need to make a presentation that involves describing trends or changes in data over a period of time. More often than not, this is something typically attributed to working in the sales field, however more and more people in other fields are being asked to present their findings using graphical or statistical data. So what should we do when we have to describe such trends or data? Let’s look at how we use them in business English.


There are many different ways to describe the subtle changes in trends and a few of them are listed below:

Trend Typeトレンドの種類Descriptive Phrase説明するための慣用句
Slow changes緩やかな変化– To Increase / decrease + gradually / slowly増加する / 減少する + 徐々に / ゆっくりと- To go up / go down + gradually / slowly上がる / 下がる + 徐々に / ゆっくりと- To rise / fall + gradually / slowly上昇する /  下降する + 徐々に / ゆっくりと
Large changes大きな変化– To Increase / decrease + dramatically / significantly増加する / 減少する + 劇的に / 大幅に- To go up / go down + dramatically / significantly上がる / 下がる + 劇的に / 大幅に- To rise / fall + dramatically / significantly  上昇する /  下降する + 劇的に / 大幅に- *To skyrocket 急上昇する / 高騰する- **To plummet 激減する / 急落する
A state of ‘no change’ or ‘flattening off’ 「変化なし」や「横這い」の状態To remain stoic / static不動の / 停滞した状態を保つTo level off横這いであるTo plateau停滞する
Constant change絶え間ない変化To fluctuate 上下するTo alternate 交互に起こる
Common prepositions used一般的な前置詞の使われ方By + amount changed変化した金額/量 + によってTo + final amount最終的な金額/量 + にFrom + original amount当初の金額/量 + からAt + static amount停滞した金額/量 + で/に

*   突然で劇的な増加や上昇を表す物として使用されています。

*   Used to describe a sudden and dramatic increase.

** 突然で劇的な下降や減少を表す物として使用されています。

** Used to describe a sudden and dramatic decrease.


We can use these phrases with any tense or aspect in English to describe past, present or future changes. The key to making your presentation interesting is to vary the vocabulary you use; for example, instead of using ‘sales increased a lot in March and sales increased a lot again in August’ several times, try using ‘sales went up dramatically in March and then increased significantly again in August’ – synonyms are a powerful way of capturing and keeping your audience’s attention.


Let’s look at how we use these phrases. If we look at the graph below, we can see the changes in the number of sales of automobiles for a company in 2014.

Now let’s imagine we had to give a presentation about this graph to members of the board at the automobile company. We could give a description like this:

‘Thank you for coming, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’d like to talk about the sales of units in 2014. If you look at the graph, you can see that sales decreased gradually from 750,000 in January to 500,000 units in March, but then increased slowly by 225,000 to 725,000 at the beginning of April. April saw sales decrease dramatically to 250,000 and then remained static for one month from May to June. Sales increased significantly to just over 750,000 between June and July and then levelled off until August. Sales plummeted again between August and September by 510,000 units sold and remained stoic at 250,000 until November when they skyrocketed to a year high of 1,000,000 before the year end. Any questions?’   




Hopefully, some of these phrases will be useful for when you have to give a trends-based presentation or report at work next time.


In my next blog, I will be looking at how to chair a meeting.

Noel Bradshaw

ロゼッタストーンラーニングセンター COO

Noel Bradshawは、経営コンサルティング会社アクセンチュアのロンドン支店にて経営コンサルタントとしてのキャリアを積んだ後、2年間JETプログラムに参加。現在はロゼッタストーンラーニングセンターでCOOに就任し、運営全般の指揮を執る。

Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.


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