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直接採用 TLV CO., LTD.

社名 TLV CO., LTD.
本社国籍 日本
所在国 日本
TLV Co., Ltd. is an international company with headquarters and manufacturing facilities located in Kakogawa (near Kobe), Japan. TLV prides itself on producing innovative high-quality steam related specialty products such as steam traps, check valves, pressure reducing valves, pumps and diagnostic equipment. TLV’s goal is to provide customers with the “best solution” through the combination of TLV’s superior products and engineering expertise. This mission is implemented through a worldwide network of associate companies and distributors.
業種 機械メーカー
所在地 881 Nagasuna, Noguchi-cho, Kakogawa-shi, Hyogo-ken Japan
代表者 Yoshiyasu Fujiwara
設立年 1950
資本金 480,000,000 Jyen
株式公開 -
従業員数 420 in Japan 200 in Overseas
事業内容 TLV is a manufacturer of steam related products and provides engineering consulting services to steam users in collaboration with TLV International, Inc.
TLV International, Inc. is responsible for overseas business and services.
オフィスへのアクセス About 10 to 15 minutes by Taxi or Bus from JR Kakogawa Station
URL http://www.tlv.com