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ISIC - Servicing students worldwide since 1953

トップメッセージThe only internationally recgonised proof of student status


First created by students in 1953, the ISIC card is now issued to students in over 130 countries. The mission of the ISIC Association is to provide all bona-fide students, regardless of their nationality, race, gender or religion, with the opportunity to prove their student status in every country worldwide, via an official and affordable identifier of student status. This unique identifier aims to allow students access to preferential travel opportunities, specially negotiated services, discounts and experiences in every area and stage of student life, consequently reducing the cost of being a student.

Japan ISIC infographic 日本語 from ISIC Japan on Vimeo.

The ISIC Association aims to play a supporting role in improving intercultural understanding, increasing educational opportunities and facilitating student life across the world. The ISIC card has been endorsed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 1968. The ISIC card is endorsed by a wide range of national governments, ministries of education and tourism, student organisations and universities worldwide.

Watch a short documentary about the history of the ISIC card: https://vimeo.com/103672018

ユネスコ推奨の国際学生証、誕生と発展ー60周年記念の8分間ドキュメンタリー from ISIC Japan on Vimeo.
