
キービジュアル キービジュアル


ビジネス英語テクニック ビジネスシーンでの電話応対2014.11.04




One of the things people find difficult when learning a new language is talking on the telephone. When I was learning Japanese, it took months for me to become confident in talking on the phone casually and even longer to become proficient in handling a business call, however with practice, you too can become a proficient speaker on the phone.

Answering a business call in English correctly is an essential skill to learn as it will be the first thing clients or callers will hear when the phone is picked up and will serve as a reflection of your organisation. In the fast-paced world of modern business, many companies aim to answer the phone within three rings and answer with the correct level of respect owed to someone calling from outside the business.





1. 挨拶 Good morning/afternoon/evening
2. お礼&会社名を名乗る Thank you for calling. (会社名)
3. 自分の名前を名乗る (自分の氏名) speaking.
4. 用件を尋ねる How may I help you?


  • Good afternoon — 「Hello」や「Hi」よりもフォーマルだとみなされており、丁寧な挨拶から始めることで礼儀正しい態度を感じさせることができます。
  • Thank you for calling (会社名) — 会社名をすぐに名乗ることで、相手が正しい番号にかけているのだと安心させましょう。
  • (自分の氏名) speaking — フォーマルな電話では必ず自分の名前を名乗りましょう。相手に信頼感を与えることができますし、名前を覚えてもらえれば、相手が次にあなたの会社にコンタクトするときにも都合が良いですよね。

How may I help you? — 「どういったご用件でしょうか」と尋ね、挨拶から本題へと移ります。似た表現に「May I help you?」がありますが、これは通常、相手と直接顔を合わせている状況で使われます。




In this blog, I would like to look at how we can make a great first impression when we pick up the phone and when we finish a call.

The four key points to remember when answering an external call are:


1. Greet Good morning/afternoon/evening
2. Thank and company name Thank you for caling (company name)
3. Your name (Your full name) speaking.
4. Offer assistance How may I help you?


  • Good afternoon - This is always considered to be more formal than ‘hello’ or ‘hi’ and it sets the tone of the phone call.
  • Thank you for calling (company name) - Giving the company name immediately confirms with the caller that they have dialled the right number.
  • (Your full name) speaking - It is essential to give a good impression in a formal call and by giving your name.  By including your name in the greeting it generates a feeling of trust for the caller, plus it will help the caller remember someone from your organisation.
  • How may I help you? - This indicates to the caller that the greeting has finished and opens up the channel of communication by offering to direct the caller to where they wish to go. Notice that we use ‘how may’ as opposed to ‘may’ alone; ‘may I help you?’ is usually used in face-to-face situations.


Always remember to keep the intonation light and fresh sounding as it suggests enthusiasm for the call.





1. 相手の名前を尋ねる May I ask who is calling, please?
2. 会社名を尋ねる May I ask what company you are calling from, please?
3. 用件を尋ねる May I ask what it is in regards to?
4. 取り次ぐ間待ってもらうようお願いする Just a moment, please. I'll put you through/Please hold while I connect you.






5. 通話を終了する

Thank you for calling, Mr./Mrs. (相手の姓)



フォーマルな電話では「Good-bye」を使うようにしましょう。不用意に「Bye」や「See you」などを使うと、馴れ馴れしい、あるいは社会人としての意識に欠けると受け取られかねません。


The next stage in the phone call is to ascertain who the caller is and what they want if you are going to connect the call to another person. If the caller doesn’t automatically give their name, company name and reason for calling, we should follow the below steps:


1. Name May I ask who is calling, please?
2. Company name May I ask what company you are calling from, please?
3. Reason for calling May I ask what it is in regards to?
4. Ask someone to hold/connecting someone Just a moment, please. I'll put you through/Please hold while I connect you.


Notice that when we ask for information we use ‘may’ again. As I mentioned in my previous blog on introducing yourself at business events the use of ‘may’ always sounds softer and more polite than ‘can’ or ‘could’ - again the correct choice of word makes a great first impression on the phone.

Finally, we need to remember that the last thing you say to the caller will also help dictate how the caller will feel after the call:


5. Finishing the call

Thank you for calling, Mr./Ms. (last name)



In a formal call, we should always try to use ‘good-bye’ as an alternative to ‘bye’ or ‘see you’ as these phrases risk you sounding too familiar with the call and can lead to you sounding unprofessional if not used with discretion.



GHI産業のSimon TrentがDEF社に電話をかけ、Sandra Smithが応対しています。


Sandra: Good afternoon. Thank you for calling DEF corporation. Sandra Smith speaking. How may I help you?こんにちは。お電話ありがとうございます。DEF社のサンドラ・スミスでございますどのようなご用件でしょうか。)

Simon: Yes, good afternoon. May I speak to Jennifer Holmes, please? (こんにちは。ジェニファー・ホームズさんに繋いでいただけますか?)

Sandra: Certainly. May I ask who is calling, please?(かしこまりました。失礼ですがお名前を伺ってもよろしいですか?)

Simon: Yes, it’s Simon Trent. (サイモン・トレントです。)

Sandra: Thank you. And may I ask what company you are calling from, please? (ありがとうございます。恐れ入りますが御社の会社名を伺ってもよろしいでしょうか。)

Simon: I’m calling from GHI industries. (GHI産業です。)

Sandra: May I ask what it is in regards to? (ではご用件をお聞かせいただけますか。)

Simon: I would like to talk to her about tomorrow’s meeting. (明日の打ち合わせについて彼女と話したいことがあるのですが。)

Sandra: Thank you. Just a moment, please. I’ll put you through. (かしこまりました。少々お待ちください。すぐにおつなぎ致します。)

Simon: Thank you. (ありがとうございます。)

Simon: Okay. that’s everything. Thank you for your time, Jennifer. Good-bye. (ではそういうことでお願いします。お時間ありがとうございました。失礼します。)

Jennifer: Thank you for calling, Mr. Trent. Good-bye. (トレントさんお電話ありがとうございました失礼します。)



An example of these phrases in action can be seen below:

Simon Trent is calling DEF corporation. Sandra Smith answers the phone:


Sandra: Good afternoon. Thank you for calling DEF corporation. Sandra Smith speaking. How may I help you?

Simon: Yes, good afternoon. May I speak to Jennifer Holmes, please?

Sandra: Certainly. May I ask who is calling, please?

Simon: Yes, it’s Simon Trent.

Sandra: Thank you. And may I ask what company you are calling from, please?

Simon: I’m calling from GHI industries.

Sandra: May I ask what it is in regards to?

Simon: I would like to talk to her about tomorrow’s meeting.

Sandra: Thank you. Just a moment, please. I’ll put you through.

Simon: Thank you.

(After the call)

Simon: Okay, that’s everything. Thank you for your time, Jennifer. Good-bye.

Jennifer: Thank you for calling, Mr. Trent. Good-bye.     


Good luck with your business calls!

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Noel Bradshaw
ロゼッタストーンラーニングセンター COO

Noel Bradshawは、経営コンサルティング会社アクセンチュアのロンドン支店にて経営コンサルタントとしてのキャリアを積んだ後、2年間JETプログラムに参加。現在はロゼッタストーンラーニングセンターでCOOに就任し、運営全般の指揮を執る。

Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone and has been with the company for 8 years.



If you want to make real progress with your language skills, then Rosetta Stone Learning Center is for you. Rosetta Stone Learning Center integrates the World's number 1 language learning software Rosetta Stone(R) together with high quality one-to-one in-school lessons to accelerate students towards their language goals. RSLC has 8 school locations in Tokyo and Osaka, easy lesson-scheduling, online 24/7 access to self-study resources and a variety of study options that makes it an ideal, flexible option for busy people. Let Rosetta Stone Learning Center support you through your next career move.

