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Full-Flex × Remote work application Engineerアプリ開発エンジニア | IT JOBs in Japanの求人詳細


更新日 2024-09-04
掲載開始日 2024-09-04

Full-Flex × Remote work application Engineerアプリ開発エンジニア

  • 人材紹介
  • スタッフレベル
  • フレックスタイム制
  • テレワーク
  • 残業20時間以内
  • シニア層歓迎
  • 経験者優遇
  • ビザサポート
IT JOBs in Japan
企業名 会社名非公開
IT JOBs in Japan
IT関連(オープン・WEB系) - プログラマー
IT関連(オープン・WEB系) - フロントエンドエンジニア
IT関連(オープン・WEB系) - バックエンドエンジニア
業種 システムインテグレーター
勤務地 アジア 日本 神奈川県 横浜市
アジア 日本 東京都 千代田区
仕事内容 『Application Development Engineer』

This time, we will strengthen mid-career recruitment to meet many smartphone application development needs.
It is an environment where there is a great opportunity not only for engineers but also for those who want to aim for a position to lead the technology and organization as a core member of smartphone application development that can be one of our core businesses in the future.

■Job description
・ Requirements definition, application design, API design
・ Development of iOS / Android apps
・ Application operation after release, etc.

As a mobile engineer, it is an environment where you can experience all phases from design, implementation, and release, as well as upstream processes such as technical verification/selection and planning.

■Working Hours and Location
flexible work arrangements
working hour:8 hours
work remotely is OK

※If you need to go to the office to work,
You can work at either the Yokohama headquarters or the Tokyo office.
■Required skills and experience
- Conversational Japanese (Interview will be held in Japanese)
- IOS / Android application development experience
- Cross-platform development experience using Flutter, React Native, Xamarin, etc.


¥4M~8.5M / Annual
※Salary will reflect the employee's personal experience, performance and overall ability.

・Visa Support
・Company Health Insurance and Pension
・Transportation Allowance
・Yearly Raise
・Various training system
・qualification reward (There is a program that pays rewards for qualifications acquisitions)

・2 days off a week (Saturday and Sunday)
・Golden Week, Summer and Winter Holidays

■ Providing a less stressed environment as much as possible

One of the features of our company is that we have created an environment where we do not feel stressed. The memory of the development standard PC is at least 16GB. We will prepare the environment by giving priority to the specifications required by each engineer. It is an environment where you can use it flexibly if you have a Mac, dual monitors, and other necessary software and tools. We believe that maximizing quality and productivity is important for engineers.

■ Full flex x remote work-based flexible work style is possible

Since we have promoted remote work regardless of coronavirus, we plan to continue to promote the environment even after the end of the corona situation.

Please apply today to get started!
応募条件 iOS / Android application development experience
英語能力 日常会話(TOEIC 475-730)
日本語能力 日常会話
年収 日本・円 450万円 〜 800万円   
給与に関する説明 社会保険完備
契約期間 正社員

Full-Flex × Remote work application Engineerアプリ開発エンジニア
