Work in Japan Advice Board

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Global Business Essentials

Meeting Organisation2014.09.23



    I often get asked by students, “How can I ‘hold my own’ in international meetings?”

    In this post I discussed the fact that Japanese meetings and international meetings can be quite different. One of the biggest differences is that international meetings are much more focused on getting results and coming to decisions than Japanese meetings are.

    Organising your meeting properly will help you achieve these goals. There are three key roles you will need to decide on and assign in order to help your meeting flow well.

    The Facilitator

    ファシリテーター、いわゆる司会進行役はオーケストラの指揮者のような存在で、ミーティングを望ましい方向へ導くのが仕事です。ファシリテーターは 出席者全員が議論に参加し、かつ時間内に必要な決定がなされるように気を配らなくてはなりません。ミーティングにおける最も難しい役割で、多様な人・意見 をまとめるための技術が必要とされます。
    良いファシリテーターとなるには訓練と念入りな準備が欠かせません。また、ミーティングの目標を念頭に置き、議題についてリサーチを重ね、参加者とその特 徴を知っておく必要があります。本題から逸れた内容ばかり話す人や、発言はしないけれど何らかの答えを持っていそうな人。傾向を知っておくと流れをコント ロールしやすくなります。対立が起きた場合にうまく対処できるようにしておくことも重要です。


    The facilitator, otherwise known as a ‘chairman’ is like the conductor of an orchestra and helps direct or guide the meeting to its desired goal. The facilitator ensures necessary decisions are made in the allocated time and makes sure everyone participates. It is the most difficult role and takes some skill to manage the various personalities and personal agendas that may be in the room.

    To be a good facilitator takes practice and no small amount of preparation. You should know the goals of the meeting, research the topics well and know the participants and their idiosyncrasies. Watch out for the person who talks a lot off topic or the smart person in the corner who is not saying anything but probably knows all the answers. Also, be prepared to deal with any conflict if it arises.

    The Scribe

    書記・記録係にすすんでなろうという人はあまりいませんが、とても重要な役割です。ミーティングでどんなやり取りが行われたか、その結果どんな決定 がなされ何を実行に移すことになったか、という議事録を取るのが記録係の仕事です。インターナショナルなミーティングは最終的に行動に繋がらなければ「成 功」とはみなされません。


    The ‘scribe’ or ‘note-taker’ is often the role that no one wants but it is a very important role. The scribe takes the ‘minutes’ of the meeting, a record of what happened but, more importantly, what decisions were made and what actions were agreed. International meetings are usually only thought of as successful if there is some action at the end.

    A good scribe does not remain silent during the meeting but interrupts to confirm decisions or clarify actions. To do this they should understand the purpose and topic of the meeting just as well as the facilitator. 


    もちろん他の参加者も重要な要素です。ファシリテーターや記録係ではないからといって気を抜いてはいけません。インターナショ ナルなミーティングでは異論を唱える、賛成意見をバックアップする、自分の考えを述べるなど、何かにつけ発言することが求められています。ですが本題から 離れず、議題と関係ない話題は最小限に留めるよう努めてください。過度に口数の多いと議論を脱線させてしまいがちですから、注意してください。

    もしミーティングの経験があまりないようでしたら、先に述べた全ての役割を経験してみることをおすすめします。まずは参加者として、それから記録係 を買って出ましょう。ファシリテーターを務められる機会があったら是非引き受けてください。貴重な体験を逃してはいけません。もしミーティングを効果的に 進行し結果を出せるようになったら、それはあなたがビジネス英語における最も難しい技術の一つを習得したという証です!


    Finally, there are the other participants. Just because you aren’t the chairman or scribe doesn’t mean you should relax too much.  Remember in an international meeting it is expected that you interrupt from time-to-time to disagree, give your support or give an opinion.  However, do ‘keep the meeting to the point’ and keep ‘red herrings’ to a minimum.  Hyper-talkative participants can often ‘derail’ a meeting.

    If you are new to meetings I recommend getting experience in all of the roles.  Start off as a participant, then volunteer for scribe duty and, if you ever have the opportunity to facilitate, grab this chance to gain some valuable experience. If you can effectively facilitate a meeting to its goal, then you have mastered one of the most difficult skills in business English.

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    Article Writer

    Noel Bradshaw

    Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.

    If you want to make real progress with your language skills, then Rosetta Stone Learning Center is for you. Rosetta Stone Learning Center integrates the World's number 1 language learning software Rosetta Stone(R) together with high quality one-to-one in-school lessons to accelerate students towards their language goals. RSLC has 8 school locations in Tokyo and Osaka, easy lesson-scheduling, online 24/7 access to self-study resources and a variety of study options that makes it an ideal, flexible option for busy people. Let Rosetta Stone Learning Center support you through your next career move.

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