Work in Japan Advice Board

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Global Business Essentials

Religion & Dining2014.09.17




    I have been noticing in the news a lot recently that Japan is starting to take a much bigger interest in ‘Halal food’. Halal is the term used to describe things or activities that are permitted by Muslim law. Foods, especially animal products, often have to prepared in a certain way to be within the law.

    With increased trade and tourism with South Asian and Middle East countries, many more Muslims are coming to Japan. Have you had to entertain Muslim guests? What about people from other religions?

    “What do I need to know?”

    異文化からのゲストをおもてなしする際、特に食事に関する面では細心の注意を払わないと「地雷」を踏みかねません。宗教によっては厳格なルールがあ りますから、あなたの用意した食べ物、飲み物がゲストの宗教では口にしてはいけないものだということもあり得ます。また「断食期」についても知っておく必 要があるでしょう。イスラム教のラマダン(約一ヶ月、日の出から日没までの間一切何も口にしない)は聞いたことのある方も多いのではないでしょうか。他に もユダヤ教では肉類と乳製品を一緒に摂ることが禁じられており、一方を食べたらもう一方を食べるまでに数時間空けなくてはいけないというルールがありま す。また一部のキリスト教徒は金曜日には肉類を食べません。


    Entertaining foreign guests can be “a bit of a minefield’, especially when it comes to food. Your guest might not be able to eat or drink part their meal if they are religious. In a lot of religious cultures, there are rules to say what can be eaten and what is ‘forbidden fruit’. Some days there are times when food is not allowed at all – ‘fasting’. We recently went through the Muslim period of Ramadan where Muslims do not eat or drink during daylight hours. Another example is the Jewish rule of needing to wait between eating dairy products and eating meat, usually 4 hours or more. And some Christians, for example, don’t eat meat on Fridays.

    “What should I do next time we’re getting food?”

    海外からのゲストを迎えるに当たって、まずは食事制限の有無を尋ねるのが一番でしょう。日本でも好き嫌いやアレルギーについて前もって聞いておくこ とが増えてきたようです。もし厳しい食事制限がある場合、お店を探すのに手こずるかもしれません。私は以前、インドからのゲストを定食屋さんにお連れした ことがあります。定食屋なら豆腐や蕎麦など、ベジタリアンの彼らでも食べられるものがあるだろうと思ったのです。ところが、ほとんどの料理には魚から取っ た出汁が使われていて、結局そこで食事をすることができずに心苦しい思いをしました。



    If you have someone visiting from overseas, wherever they are from, it is worth asking them if they have any eating restrictions. It is becoming more common in Japan these days for people to ask. If you find out that your guest has a special requirement it can be sometimes be tricky finding a place to eat. I remember some Indian guests who were vegetarian and I took them to a Japanese ‘set meal’ (定食) restaurant thinking there must be something on the menu for them (e.g. tofu, soba). However, almost all of the dishes were prepared using ‘fish stock’ (だし) so my guests went hungry.

    There are a lot more vegetarian places springing up around the major cities of Japan and a lot of Japanese restaurants are now starting to cater to Muslims in particular.

    “Now, I am really worried!"

    大丈夫!もちろん宗教やそのしきたりは尊重しなくてはいけませんが、私の知る限り、日本を訪れる人々は食に関して柔軟な姿勢であることも少なくあり ません。ここは外国で、母国と同じようには事が運ばないということを彼らは知っているのです。それに同じ宗教でも戒律を徹底して守る人とそうでない人がい ます。豚肉を自宅で食べることはなくても、外食の場合はOK、というような人もいます。同様に、自国では戒律を厳守するけれど、外国ではご当地グルメに一 度は挑戦してみたいという場合があるのです。とにかく、まずは相手に尋ね、要望に添えるよう努めましょう。そうした配慮はきっと喜んでもらえます。ビジネ スであれプライベートであれ、人間関係において最も大切なのはコミュニケーションですしね。


    Don’t be! Of course it is important to respect peoples’ religious beliefs but many people I have met traveling to Japan can be very flexible with their eating. They know they are in a foreign country and things are not going to be exactly as they are used to. Even within a particular culture or religion, some people may be stricter than others. There are people who don’t eat pork in the house, but if they are dining out it’s okay. A person might be very religious in their home country, but they want to try a famous, cultural food just once. Ask them. They will be happy you made the effort to talk to them. After all, in both business and personal relationships, communication is often the most important thing.

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    Article Writer

    Noel Bradshaw

    Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.

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