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Global Business Essentials

Personal Space2014.09.03

    見知らぬ人があなたの近く、それもその人の温かい息が感じられるくらい近くに立っているという状況になったことはありませんか?または電車やバスの 中で、隣に座っている人との間に距離を作るためだけに席を変わったことは?「他にも空いているスペースはあるのに、何で私の隣に?」とイライラしたこと は?


    これはいわゆる「パーソナルスペース」、あるいは「コンフォートゾーン」と呼ばれるものです。先天的に持っているものではないのですが、4、5歳く らいから持ち始めると言われています。パーソナルスペースの広さはその人が育った文化に大きく影響され、例えば一般的なイギリス人は他人が自分の側に立っ ているだけで不快に感じるようですが、パーソナルスペースが著しく狭いラテンアメリカの人々はそれくらい平気です。また、挨拶する際に相手のパーソナルス ペースに入り込む場合がありますが、その程度も文化によって大きく左右されます。




    Has anyone ever stood too close to you? Close enough that you felt the heat of their breath as they breathed? Or have you moved your seat on the train so that there was an empty seat between you and another person? Felt annoyed that someone sat next to you when there were so many other empty seats around?

    “Yes! What was that feeling?”

    That’s what’s called a personal bubble, or a comfort zone. Small children don’t have it, but they start to develop one around the age of 4 or 5. Culture impacts how big the bubble is though – people in the UK get uncomfortable if they feel a person is standing too close, but in many Latin and South American countries there is a notably smaller comfort zone. Some cultures have different greetings that cross space boundaries. In many Latin countries, people (both men and women) frequently greet each other with a kiss on the cheeks. People in the UK shake hands (although in certain social sectors people will greet with a kiss) while the French-Canadian way has business women kissing each cheek.

    “Is this for everybody I know?”

    その通りです。意識しているかいないかに関わらず、自分と人との間にどれくらいの距離を保っておきたいかという基準は誰にでもあるのです。よく知っ た間柄の人が近づいてきたときと、見ず知らずの他人が近づいてきたとき、全く同じように感じるという人は決して多くないでしょう。


    Yes. Whether you think about it or not, you always decide how far away or how close you want to be to other people. Infants and small children have a very small comfort zone, if any. You allow well-known acquaintances to come closer to you then strangers. It’s an unconscious decision.

    “Anything else I should know?”

    パーソナルスペースに侵入されたときの感じ方は状況によっても変わります。例えば他人が自分のすぐ隣に立っていたとしても、それが満員電車の中なら 仕方がないと思いますよね。(ストレスは溜まりますが。)でもそれががら空きの電車の中だったらどうでしょう。なぜ敢えて自分のパーソナルスペース内に 入ってくるのか、不審に思うかもしれません。

    パーソナルスペースについて知っておくと、仕事などで異なる文化圏出身の人と会うときに気になってしまうかもしれませんね。相手と自分との間の距離 はどれくらいか。もう少し近づいてみても大丈夫か、それとも距離を保とうと身を引かれてしまうか。もし相手の方から近づいてきたら、どう感じるだろう か…。



    How you react to people encroaching on your personal space depends on the circumstances. If you’re in a train during rush hour, you know that it’s going to be crowded, so you give up trying to keep a bigger bubble. But if the train is quite empty and someone stands next to you, you feel uncomfortable. 
    The next time you go to an interview or a meeting with someone from overseas, you may want to view the space between yourself and them with fresh eyes. How far away are you? Could you move closer? Are they backing away? Are they moving closer to you? How do you feel about all of this?

    And, when you travel abroad, look around first to see what greeting the situation calls for. Are you ready to be greeted by a kiss?

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    Article Writer

    Noel Bradshaw

    Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.

    If you want to make real progress with your language skills, then Rosetta Stone Learning Center is for you. Rosetta Stone Learning Center integrates the World's number 1 language learning software Rosetta Stone(R) together with high quality one-to-one in-school lessons to accelerate students towards their language goals. RSLC has 8 school locations in Tokyo and Osaka, easy lesson-scheduling, online 24/7 access to self-study resources and a variety of study options that makes it an ideal, flexible option for busy people. Let Rosetta Stone Learning Center support you through your next career move.

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