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Global Business Essentials

Persuasion in Presentations2014.07.22

    How to Deliver a Presentation (Persuasion)

    伝え方には言葉以外にもボディランゲージや、速度、自信、アイコンタクト など様々な要素が組み合わさり、その結果として伝えたい相手に伝えたいことが伝わるものです。多くの英語圏では誰もが学校で“美辞学(説得力)”を学びま す。西洋の美辞学は古代ギリシャで生まれローマ時代に完成されました。そして、その後ローマ皇帝により一気に広がったと言われています。しかしながら、美 辞学は言葉に関してのみの学問で、本来物事を人に伝えることは言葉だけでなく、もっと複雑で難しいのです。



    “Delivery” is the way that you “perform” your presentation.
    This can be body language, speed, confidence, eye contact, and many other factors. In many English speaking countries, students are taught rhetoric – the art of public speaking. The rules of western rhetoric were created by the ancient Greeks, perfected by the Romans and then spread by the Roman Empire. However, the rules of rhetoric only address language. Effective delivery is a much more difficult thing to master. Today, let’s look at 3 ways you can improve your delivery.

    Persuasion 1 - Gaining confidence

    多くの人が集団の前で話す場合緊張します。ましてや母国語以外でスピー チする場合は尚のことです。写真のように全てを完全にコピーできていれば別ですが、恐らく全ては覚えられないでしょう。冒頭の部分だけでも練習を繰り返 し、しっかりマスターし、乗り切ることさえできれば、あなたは自信がつき、中盤になっても落ち着いて発表することができるはずです。


    Nervous → Confident
    There are many things to consider, but the most important obstacle to overcome is nervousness. Many people get nervous speaking in front of a group. If you’re speaking another language, the problem is even worse. Unless you have a photographic memory, you probably can’t memorize your entire talk. If you memorize your opening, you’ll have more confidence as you progress to the main body of your presentation. Also, remember to speak slowly! When people are nervous, they speak fast and make mistakes. Speaking slowly shows control and confidence (even if you feel like you’re dying on the inside).

    Persuasion 2 - Cut out bad habits, adopt good habits!

    こ れらも使い過ぎると、つい頼ってしまい気づかないうちに変化のないスピーチになってしまい、聴衆は退屈さを感じてしまいます。もし歩き回れるスペースがあ るのなら歩きながらスピーチをするといいでしょう。但し、歩く速度は話す速度に合わせて。早く歩き過ぎないようにしましょう。ゆっくり歩くことで自信に溢 れているように見えます。


    Bad Habits → Good Habits
    Practice in front of a mirror. Watch your body language. Is your body language repetitive? Repetitive body language can be annoying. Are you too stiff? Being stiff can be boring. Be careful of using laser pointers or your visuals as a crutch. Overuse of these kind of tools can become habitual and might seem funny or annoying to the audience. If you can walk around, you should. But just like your speaking speed, don’t move too fast. Slow, deliberate movement exudes confidence.

    Persuasion 3 - Be likeable

    そ してアイコンタクトを意識し、会場を見渡し、いろんな人に目を向けます。目があったら微笑み、そしてユーモアの一つでも言ってみましょう。聴衆が笑みを浮 かべるようになれば、もうそれはあなたのスピーチに夢中になっている証拠です。人は誰しも笑っていたいのです。たとえそれが困難な局面だったとしても。但 し、やりすぎには注意が必要です。あなたはお笑い芸人ではないのですから。


    Boring → Likeable
    Even if your English isn’t the best and your very nervous, it’s important to be likable. People will overlook grammar mistakes or misused words if they like you. One common mistake of nervous people is to “play it cool” but often the audience thinks the speaker is not enjoying himself. Instead, you should smile a lot. Smile like you enjoy being with your audience and talking to them. This might even help relax you as you’re speaking. Maintain eye contact and look around the room at different people. When you look at them, smile. And lastly, use humor. If you can get the audience to smile with you, you can bond with them. Humans love to laugh, even in serious situations. However, be careful not to overdo it. Remember, you’re a business person, not a stand up comic.

    In Summary



    A good presentation is a combination. The first part is good content, the second part is good delivery. We hope these techniques help you with your next presentation.

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    Article Writer

    Noel Bradshaw

    Noel Bradshaw is the COO of Rosetta Stone Learning Center and started his career at management consulting firm Accenture. He came to Japan with the JET programme before joining Rosetta Stone Learning Center and has been with the company for 8 years.

    If you want to make real progress with your language skills, then Rosetta Stone Learning Center is for you. Rosetta Stone Learning Center integrates the World's number 1 language learning software Rosetta Stone(R) together with high quality one-to-one in-school lessons to accelerate students towards their language goals. RSLC has 8 school locations in Tokyo and Osaka, easy lesson-scheduling, online 24/7 access to self-study resources and a variety of study options that makes it an ideal, flexible option for busy people. Let Rosetta Stone Learning Center support you through your next career move.

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