Job Search
Current Search Conditions
Desired work location : Asia-Viet Nam-Ho Chi Minh
Language preference :English
Recruiter | Pasona Inc. Global department/株式会社パソナ グローバル事業本部 |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Chinese Level | None |
Job Description | We are looking for a Tech Lead to improve the technical skills of local Vietnamese engineers. ●Main Responsibilities: ・Code review ・Engineer training (creating training plans, OJT trainer) ・Development process improvement (introducing and improving Agile practices) ・Technology selection, tool selection You will join a local development project team and lead local engineers as a coach and sometimes as a player within the team. ●Development environment ・Languages used: Java, PHP, JavaScript ・Middleware: Apache, Tomcat, Nginx ・Frameworks a ... |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | 店舗運営、管理全般をご担当いただきます。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | ホーチミン拠点で新規事業立ち上げ及び人材管理を担当いただきます。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary |
Job Description | ・BtoBマーケティング全般の戦略立案及び推進 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | You will be in charge of housing brokerage for foreign customers. |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | 人材コンサルタントとして企業と求職者を繋ぐお仕事をしていただきます。 |
Recruiter | J Styles Co., Ltd. |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | ~働きやすい国ベトナムでグローバルキャリアをスタート! |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | メガネ販売店での店舗管理・営業活動など全般をお任せします。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | 日系企業向けに顕微鏡、測定器の販売を行っていただきます。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary |
Job Description | <具体的な仕事内容> |
Recruiter | ICONIC Co., Ltd. |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | As a local partner of Japanese companies, you will be working for a Vietnamese company that imports and wholesales seafood and livestock products, targeting Japanese and middle-income Vietnamese living in Vietnam. You will be performing the following duties. |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | ERPプロジェクトマネジャーとしてプロジェクトマネジメントなどのお仕事をしていただきます。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | ベトナム日系企業に対して、ITインフラ機器および構築のソリューション営業をお任せします! |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary |
Job Description | ・日本の本社及びクライアントとの折衝/調整業務 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Business Level(JLPT Level 2 or N2) |
Job Description | ベトナム筆頭にASEAN地域での衣服(Tシャツ・パンツ・シャツ・アウター・インナー等の衣料品)の |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary |
Job Description | ・日本の本社及びクライアントとの折衝/調整業務 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Business Level(JLPT Level 2 or N2) |
Job Description | 生活雑貨(調理用品、テーブル用品、掃除用品)・家具(木製家具、ソファ、収納用品)等の生産において開発から出荷までの商品開発全般について、ベトナム中心の東南アジア契約工場および生産調達チームのリーダーポジションです。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary |
Job Description | 和食レストランにてマネージャーとして店舗運営管理全般をご担当いただきます。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | 内装チームのチームリーダーとしてメンバーの管理 (現地スタッフ メンバー3人)を行っていただきます。 |
Recruiter | HRnavi Joint Stock Company |
Location | |
Salary | |
Japanese Level | Native Level |
Job Description | 日系企業向けの営業を行なっていただきます。 |